GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 24 at 09:31 PM

Homogenous, connected, one is the all and all is the one. You are me and I am you and he is her and she is him and it is I and I is it as they are them and them is they. When you think of the universe, our physical reality pronouns are so overrated and unneeded. We are all connected within the same framework of the same organism. It doesn't matter how you identify or why you identify to be this or to be that because at the end of the day we are all the exact same thing. The universe. We are all connected.. so who gives a fuck if someone wants to chop there little weewee off and grow a taco bell taco.. like really.. who gives a flying fuck. I know I dont!! So long as there's no children being hurt or anyone being hurt in an unconsented and inappropriate way.. I could honestly care less. But leave the damn kids alone! We are all the same damn thing! The sooner we realize that the sooner we will triumphantly March into the age of love.. β™₯︎⁹⁹⁹β™₯︎



Mar 24 at 09:24 PM

I think I will think for myself and I think I will think good things into reality and I think I will love myself and I think I will love my brothers and sisters and I think I will become more positive each and everyday and I think things will begin to manifest quickly in my life and I think.. God damn.. I think I think to much..yeah fuck that..I KNOW!!! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ β™₯︎⁹⁹⁹β™₯︎



Mar 24 at 09:22 PM

Oh you know..


Mar 24 at 09:21 PM

It's time to heal.. 🌬


Mar 24 at 05:10 PM

This is absolutely symbolic as to what's happening in the United States right now. In season 2 the planet the Marines are stationed on.. they're home planet base gets destroyed by a cabal of reptilian creatures and I feel as if this is symbolic for what's happening in the United States right now. They are already here and they are sleeper cells in our communities and at a certain moment everything is going to go to shit. They are already here, a lot of them have already been here and a lot of them just came here over the last couple years through the open border policy which is actually called the draconian border Act LOL all the signs are right in front of our faces but people are so wrapped up in fake news and fake media and they've been indoctrinated so heavily and for so long that they are blind to what is happening and what is transpiring right in front of their eyes. As I said 6 months ago.. get ready because shit is about to hit the fan. They are already here..


Mar 24 at 04:32 PM

I β™₯ my Unifyd family!!



Mar 24 at 04:31 PM

🐍 🐠



Mar 24 at 04:31 PM

πŸ–•πŸ½you McDonald's!!



Mar 24 at 04:30 PM

Duhh.. I already knew that!!



Mar 24 at 04:30 PM

Been indoctrinated, we've been brainwashed and we don't even know it. Well I guess we know it now! But over the last couple centuries they have completely thrown us off track that almost everything is wrong. Everything in the books are wrong. Everything in regards of physics is wrong. Everything in regards of Science in biology and I can go on and on is wrong. Everything is wrong. We need to rewrite our history and rewrite our books and do our due diligence and start figuring out what it actually means to be a human being.