GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 23 at 12:27 AM

The way I took this in today's debate is that in the next 2 weeks something big is going to happen due to partially of this bill itself but also for reasons that weren't addressed in this video but he literally said jet fumes and mentioned Washington DC Airport and allegedly said that our government is all going to fly out of the country as they betray the American people.. I don't know about you but that sounds awfully like a warning to me.



Mar 23 at 12:01 AM




Mar 22 at 11:43 PM

Everybody get ready because it's coming.. a lot sooner than you think. Chaos..



Mar 22 at 10:48 AM

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Written by: Caleb J (999)
I was uncertain and hesitant about sharing this personal story but i think this is a profound revelation that could empower people..Shall we get started..?
I dove into a 10 to 15 minute meditative state for 4 days meditating on the idea and probability that this specific man would give me a vape the following Tuesday and that there is not a probable outcome of him not handing over a free vape. I pictured the man physically and i also pictured him spiritually, where i then connected to his being and told the 2 entities they would give me a vape the following Tuesday whereas I specifically targeted the individual at the vape store. Through this profound connection, I aimed to tap into their consciousness and manifest a free vape in my possession. In my meditations I believed wholeheartedly without a doubt that the man who owns the vape shop (Moon Light Smoke Shop) was going to give me a vape whenever I went into their shop. I connected to his frequency by raising my vibration to a certain focal point energetically and I drawled in energy with my intentions and while I was meditating I then visually pictured the man's face and his personality as well as his emotions and then sent with more intentions through the electromagnetic field of consciousness an idea or a thought into his mind and to his higher-self that he would agree to give me a free vape whenever I came into his establishment that next Tuesday. And as I got closer to the store I used our connected consciousness to basically yell at him non-verbally and in a spirt to spirit manner and as I got closer and closer I could feel his energy and the profound connection I had previously been making for the last 4 days prior from coming into the store but I definitely could feel that his higher-self or his consciousness had agreed to give me the vape already before we had ever had this conversation and I believed 100% without a doubt that he would agree to give me a vape and I believed that to be true in a wholeheartedly manner with nil doubts. So I walked into the establishment and went straight to the man and simply said to him, "I do not have any money.. do you think you could help me out with a vape man"? He responded at first by saying "I can give you one half off".. and I responded that "I hadn't a nickel to my name".. and as he contemplated for a short 3-4 second duration of time, he then sharply responded "yeah man, I gotchu, what kind of vape would you like..?" I'd like to add to the record that these vapes cost around $27 and I had only done business with the man prior to this event one time, months ago and we had no type of personal or have ever been acquainted in a personal manner and had only done one simple 30 second transaction 2Β½ months prior to this specific occurrence. So I haven't mastered this technique and I'm not even quite sure what it would be called or what this even is as I simply somehow know how to do these things without ever researching or being taught how to do them.. I just know. On any other occasion he would have absolutely shot me down and swept me out of his store. The power of the mind when combined with the power of spirituality there are very profound things we can do and create. Was this manipulation? I'm not sure.. did it work? Absolutely.. am I wrong for hacking somebody's consciousness? Nobody was ever hurt so my answer is no, i had peaceful converstauons with his higher-self as well as his consciousness, PEACEFULLY! we have amazing spirtual and psionic abilities but it is up to us to understand and to master our true human origins. Until one recognizes the limitless possibilities one will never truly discover who one is. Everything, all the answers, are directly inside of you as well as outside of you becasue of the strong notion that everything is connected and everything is one. And if everything is one that means we have access to everything, whenever and wherever, we want to access it. We can manipulate anything with the power of intentions, frequencies and vibrations. We are the creators of our reality and we are the observer to our experience. We can dictate certain outcomes in projected agendas with the power of spirit and the power of the Mind. So don't sell yourself cheap. Embrace your true infinite possibility and embrace your right to write your story the way you want to write it.. and not the rest of the world who helplessly is sleeping there existence way while aimlessly walking about there reality with no true purpose or understanding as to who they are and what they are capable of.. embrace your true self. Your higher-self, your destiny. Embrace being human. Embrace being amazing, brilliant and stronger than you've ever known you were. Embrace the true you.. embrace the transformation and exciting adventure of self discovery. You can do ANYTHING you put your all into. LOVE AND LIGHT!



Mar 21 at 08:49 PM

Signs and symbols are for the conscious mind.. synchronicity at its finest. Went to look at Jason's prior post about Noah and came across one of the strongest spirtually synchronized sequence of numbers.. signs man.. signs! Also I felt a deep connection too Ray's story about Noah so I did some research and came across a powerful verse where all the numbers added up to be 999. I made a post about it. I feel spiritually and energetically pulled towards these experiences. Time to meditate..
β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ <&>β˜€ β˜€ β˜€



Mar 21 at 06:57 PM

Creation requires courage and vision. Demolishing what no longer serves us - whether physically or metaphorically speaking - allows room for innovative ideas to flourish, paving the path towards true advancement. A brilliant example off this process could be related to real estate and the process of destroying buildings along with old systems which no longer work or meet the evolutionary path of ones destiny. Another example could be a more personal experience I've had with groung a mother of a thousand succulent plant where I had to cut and take away from the original plant in other words partially destroying it in order to grow a new entity or a new plant completely. That is the reason I have chosen my Spirit name to be 999 because it exposes the sign of the Beast 666 wow flipping it around upside down creating the polar opposite of good, positivity and love. I've been bashed for my name but if you think about it how I think about it it actually has a really deep spiritual meaning..



Mar 20 at 05:03 PM

I suppose I'll just set this down right here.. πŸ’―



Mar 20 at 10:39 AM

I thought of this meme and thought I'd share my idea..It doesn't make sense.. maybe it's because there has to be a fine balance of intellect along with a significant amount spirituality.. it just amazes me how some of the greatest thinkers of our time can be so blatantly out of touch with reality. It's actually quite scary.. brainwashing, mind control and indoctrination are very serious and can darken the brightest crayon in the box and the dullen sharpest tool in the shed. We have to wake up! β™₯︎999β™₯︎



Mar 20 at 09:59 AM

Here is a painting on the wall in the UN headquarters.. tell me what you can make of it..? What do you see? Look closely.. there are many anomalies.. many.


Mar 19 at 08:17 AM

(2) (If I were the devil πŸ‘Ώ)