GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 26 at 11:07 PM

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Daniel Nemes who is a scientist and from Spain discovered a technique of capturing that surpasses infrared, ultraviolet, black light, video camera with TV without antenna, etc. The method, which Is referred to as ENERGIVISION, employs specialized lenses and ultrasensitive screens of his invention, utilizing sunlight as the primary source of illumination. The scientific community and media may have disregarded him, but his remarkable photographs from other dimensions are a testament to his innovative spirit and artistic vision. Be inspired by his unique perspective to this phenomena and anomaly. His groundbreaking invention has revealed the existence of other beings, entities, and spirits coexisting with us in varied dimensions and realities, disproving the opposing notions we had been taught and instilled with. There is soookk much more to life and reality than we can even begin to fathom or understand. But we are able to understand, if we choose to empower ourselves and do what is necessary to uncover the veil of deception that has been thrown upon our eyes.. I just noticed something.. the word "VEIL" also spells out "LIVE" which then brings me to point out that it spells "EVIL"..sorry, I was writing this story and had a download while I was spelling the word veil. But anyways, these photographs are mind-blowing and very intriguing.
Scroll to the right to see some of the pictures Daniel captured with his invention, tell me what you think.. πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½



Apr 26 at 10:46 PM

As I previously stated in prior posts.. I believe we living a simulation because everything is information.. we are spirit in nature occupying a body or a shell if you will in order to gain insight in information in a 3D reality, all the information is going back to our spirit which is directly connected to source, source is the computer with the hard drive, we are the programs that run the computer or the codes, the electromagnetic subatomic atmosphere is the Wi-Fi.. If you truly think about it and use critical thinking you can honestly see that everything is information, how do you think they came up with the computer? They based the computer off of a model of our reality, information transfer. We have been tricked in prodded into thinking that we are 3D physical beings that only live one life, which is very short, and then we die and go either to hell or heaven when in reality our energy never dies but rather just occupies and takes up new residency in a new body or program in order to gain more information and insight, our reality is a brilliantly crafted simulation, by who though? How do we get here? Why are we here? Is it only to collect information in order to send back to source, the creator? I feel like I'm destined for more than that.. when everything is 99.9 percent space you can see that this is just a holographic representation of light. Unless science is wrong.. which I believe that most of it is because we have been misled and led astray in every fucking way possible.. but I thought this article was intriguing and I can't wait until the truth of this matter comes out, which I'm not sure if it ever will.. ❀️9⁹9❀️



Apr 26 at 05:07 PM


(Pt 4) I said fuck it and I'll just go ahead and post all five videos so here is part 4 lol also I wanted to make a key point that I forgot to make in the video.. So this whole thing with the United States and the borders and basically people trying to destroy our country economically and financially and so many different ways it's unbelievable, but the open border policy that the Biden administration issued was actually titled the draconian immigration act whereas the reptilians came from the star system draconis which would be outside of the firmament in the 5D universe that we actually exist in.. our reality we live in now is not real and it is basically a giant computer program but outside of this there is a vast universe, I think they're going to be taking the firmament down eventually because I think that's part of the 3D matrix. But look up where the reptilians come from and what they're called and what star system they originated from.. they are literally called the draconian reptilians and the name of the act was called draconian.. literally everything you need to know is all out there but you have to search for it. You have to look for it. You have to be aware of it. You have to elevate your consciousness. You have to dig deep, for truth and nothing but the truth so help you source. 9❀️9❀️9



Apr 26 at 04:57 PM


(Pt.3) continuation of the video that that was requested and I also forgot to add into the video that the 3D matrix that has been put over Us is actually created from the Moon and there are nuclear powered frequency and vibration makers that create this 3D matrix reality that we live in so that is how they are creating the matrix and this is how they will take away the matrix.. they can only do it so fast because there are other creatures in other dimensions and other beings and entities and other dimensions as we are not used to seeing a 10-ft bull looking being with horns coming out of its head lol If I seen that I would shit my pants so that is why they are slowly releasing the 3D reality because we are 5D beings.


Apr 26 at 04:49 PM


(Pt.2) Video number two of the TikTok video that got taken down due to community guidelines violations.



Apr 26 at 04:45 PM


(Pt.1) here is the video that tiktok took down that you guys requested to see so I will just post three videos out of the 5 minutes and 55 seconds so you can get the key points.. and no I did not mean to intentionally stop the video at 5 minutes and 55 seconds.. that was completely synchronicity and what I got from it was that I need to keep making videos because something is going to happen with them in a very positive fashion. But here is the first video.. Hope you enjoy! ❀️999❀️



Apr 26 at 04:37 AM

Well I went to put up the jack and grab my phone only to see 333 on the damn clock lol What the fuck is going on lol does anybody else experience synchronicity with numbers like this? I mean this is literally all day.. every time I look at a clock my phone and assignment at work literally anything and everything I see synchronize numbers.. it's kind of freaking me out a little bit.. I tried to connect the numbers with whatever thoughts, intentions and actions I am doing at that time to try and shape up if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm doing something right but the numbers have guided me down a pretty promising path.. whoever they are connected to, I like to believe that they are connected to my spirit guides, my incestral spirits, source and other spiritual powers that be. But they are definitely talking to me everyday.. I think I am meant for something more in life.. whenever I see these numbers I feel empowered and very powerful almost like I have a superpower or something.. seeing the synchronize numbers is a very special event and if anybody else is seeing numbers like I am do not just disregard them for think to yourself, oh that's pretty neat, actually try and unmask and decipher the numbers and what they are trying to tell you.. 9⁹9⁹9



Apr 26 at 12:38 AM

Synchronicity.. when in the hell does it stop? Lol Man I am on fire right now.. I love my life! (1111)
Angel number 1111 signifies a period of change and transformation in your life. Embrace these changes with an open heart and a positive mindset. Trust that the universe has a greater plan for you and that these changes are leading you towards your highest potential. Be willing to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and situations that no longer serve you. Embracing change will open doors to new opportunities and experiences that will enrich your life.



Apr 25 at 11:23 PM

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The last couple days the synchronicity in my life has been so fucking powerful it's unreal.. literally every time I look at something that has to do with numbers it is a sequence or a pattern that is unusual and an anomaly So I'm taking it as a positive sign that I'm doing everything exactly how I am supposed to.. You cannot beat the magical experience of synchronicity! If anybody else is experiencing synchronicity with numbers please share your experiences.. I want to start up a conversation about this and try to get to the bottom of the phenomena and the mysterious magical way the universe, source, God, the matrix or whatever it is communicates with us.. Is it a glitch or is it a sign or is a language.. What in the fuck is it? ⁹⁹⁹


Apr 25 at 04:19 PM

Entering in New dimensions and different information from different realities is what all drugs do.. but most specifically, hallucinogens & psychedelics.. there are actually interdimensional creatures all around us right now at this second, probably one a couple feet away from you either in 2D or 1D or above and 40 and 5D but we are surrounded by spirits, entities and beings as the ones in the lower cannot see us in the hire but as the higher ones can slip into the lower as we can slip into the lower and choose to move into the higher.. psychedelics will get you there instantaneously. But it's definitely possible to do all this stuff naturally.. if you learn it. I've taught myself how to move through different realities and dimensions in my meditations, I've connected with the akasha records and felt and seen sone very crazy things in these deep emotional intricate meditations.. this is what they don't want! But you don't need psychedelics to do what psychedelics do for you. We are interdimensional beings and can learn to do this because we already know how. ❀️⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹❀️