GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 25 at 04:15 PM

I'm learning to master this as I feel as if only the person with there specific intuition can learn to master it because intuition is it's own entity.. sounds crazy right?? Well know that intuition is a separate part of you, compartmentalized if you will... People as myself that have been through a lot of trauma and have severe PTSD struggle with corrupted intuition or paranoia so it can be harder to interpret what exactly your intuition is communicating to you, what is Rio and what is worry, anxiety and paranoia.. The way that I have bypassed this confusion is by setting up certain codes with my higher self, spirit guides, and spiritual ancestors so whenever I question my intuition I look for the code and usually it's instantaneously and if it's not instantaneously that means I will make a specific decision and have a thought in regards of the feedback I get from the divine powers that be. But learning to master this is complicated and I feel as if the people that have experienced severe trauma and severe PTSD have experienced a different type of reality thus meaning their intuition is stronger because they have experienced a very negative thing and as bashar and Darrell say the further you go into the darkness, when you let go of the darkness and shoot out into the light, the faster you will travel in the further you will go. Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by coincidence.. everything you go through in life and everything you feel thank and no is all done on purpose and for a reason in order to meet your soul agreement and what your spiritual self is actually looking for in this three-dimensional life.. My personal opinion is that this is a giant program technological matrix where we are the data collectors, our experience is sent back to the hard drive, the creator and we are basically an app on an Android phone that completes certain tasks and receive certain information which then gets sent back to the hub where all of the information is stored or the hard drive if you will. Trust your intuition, understand your intuition, get to know your intuition, love your intuition, and always trust your intuition. Before you can do all that you must know your intuition and intimately become intertwined with its define purpose. Love and light to all... Almost the weekend.. it's been a damn good week.. my intuition just told me the weekend and next week will be great as well... AND I TRUST IT!! ❤️⁹9⁹9⁹❤️


Apr 25 at 04:01 AM


As you can research it yourself, people are seeing monsters and all types of craziness around the world because we are moving through dimensions and frequencies are changing hence the clouds that I posted earlier.. things are going to get very strange in the next 10 to 15 years as they completely take away our 3D reality and third density reality.. Hope we're ready for it. ⁹⁹⁹



Apr 25 at 03:58 AM


This is how inter dimensional beings move from higher dimensions to lowers dimensions.


Apr 24 at 04:07 PM


(Pt.2) Ever since the solar eclipse the clouds look so motherfucking strange dude . I'm super aware of my surroundings and my intuition screams at me almost everyday telling me something is off with them..not wrong but just different and weird looking.. I've seen other people around the world say the same thing and had this POV before I ever started researching it so it's my perception and my beliefs but does anyone else see what I see?? ❤️⁹⁹⁹❤️



Apr 24 at 04:04 PM


(Pt.1) Ever since the solar eclipse the clouds look so motherfucking strange dude . I'm super aware of my surroundings and my intuition screams at me almost everyday telling me something is off with them..not wrong but just different and weird looking.. I've seen other people around the world say the same thing and had this POV before I ever started researching it so it's my perception and my beliefs but does anyone else see what I see?? ❤️⁹⁹⁹❤️


Apr 24 at 02:31 AM

1 / 8
2 / 8
3 / 8
4 / 8
5 / 8
6 / 8
7 / 8
8 / 8

This week's synchronicity thus far.. there's more but I either didn't have time or had to disregard the documentation but I started documenting about a week and half ago.. isn't it just magical how synchronization works??? It's a mystery yet profoundly special and meaningful, personally. Well, for me it is.. the universe, source and my spirit guides all have an agreement and a spiritual arrangements in regards of these numbers. One of my old teachers told me to never share my code with people so that's all you get!! But just wow .. it's crazy how something above you and outside of you can speak to you through numbers. You know, a lot of people just see the numbers but they never really go into intimate detail what it means to them and what way it is special to them but I have made a commitment and dedication to truly unmasking the reality and truth behind the magical sensations of synchronicity.. I document, research, share and then reply to whatever, whoever is sending me these mysterious yet empowering messages.. could it be a glitch in the matrix?? As I've said and voiced my opinion before, I think we are living in a programed reality, some type of super advanced unfathomable technology whereas numbers are literally the code.. think about it.. numbers are in everything.. height, weight, temperature, distance, depth, altitude, building, products markers, money, birthdays, months, years, decades, our counting system, speedometer, signs, speed limts, calories, vitamins, song lengths, clocks, receipt, prices, dimensions, circumference, ECT; .. well, you get it.. everything you can think of can be described using numbers in some type of relative relatable way.. so why are we experiencing these magical increments of numbers everyday, and for me all day??? EVERYONE HAS Speculations but nobody has the definitive proof as to what magical force is at work when this happens to us and it happens more frequently with people who are becoming more aware or going through some type of awakening.. all I know is that it is a magical moment and a glitch in the matrix.. what could it be or what could it mean?? Opinions and feedback?? ❤️⁹⁹⁹❤️



Apr 23 at 10:21 PM

Just want to make this clear
I am a believer
But sometimes, it gets hard
My name is Dax
Dear God
Dear God, there's a lot of questions that I have about the past
And I don't want hear it from a human you made
So, you're the last Person that I'm ever gonna ask
Tell me what's real, tell me what's fake
Why is everything about you a debate? (Why?)
What's the point of love?
Everytime I've showed it, I was broken and it's forced me just to only wanna hate
Why's there only one you, but multiple religions?
(Why?) Why does every conversation end in a division?
(Why?) Why does everybody want to tell us how to live, but they won't listen to the same damn message that they giving?
Tell me how to feel, tell me what's wrong
I tried to call, pick up the phone, I'm on my own (pick up!)
Everybody said, you're coming back, then man, why the hell's it taking so long?
Why do I hurt? Why is there pain? (Why?)
Why does everything good always have to change?
(Why?) Why does everybody try to profit off another man's work, then destroyin' it just for monetary gain?
Tell me, are you black, are you white?
I don't even really care, I just really want to know what's right
They've been saying one thing, but I've been looking in the book
And it seems like they've been lying for my whole damn life
Tell me where I'm going - is it heaven or hell?
I just hope this message greets you well
Had a dream that I was walking with the devil
Don't remember how it feels, but I swear that I remember the smell
Looked me right into my eyes and told me, "Everything I wanted could be mine, if I gave up and decided to sell"
But I said I'd rather die than give mine and now, I'm here
Now I fear one man with a story to tell
Dear God, where were you when I needed it
When I fucked up and repeated it?
When they set the bar and I exceeded it? (Where were you?)
My life is like a book that they've been judging by a cover, but have never took the time to fucking read the shit
I remember telling you my goals and my dreams, but you didn't even answer, so, I guess you didn't believe in it
I remember sitting with a gun to my head trying to ask you for some help, but I guess you didn't believe in it
I don't want religion, I need that spirituality
I don't want a church, I need people to call a family
I don't wanna tell my sins to another sinner just because he's got a robe and he went to some academy
I don't wanna read it in a book, I wanna hear it from you
Don't wanna learn it in my school because they're hiding the truth
Don't wanna talk about it to another fucking human being, and that's only reason that I even stepped in this booth
Dear God, how do I take this darkness and turn it into light?
How do believe in a concept, where I speak to a man I've never seen with my own two eyes?
(How?) How do I know that religion wasn't made just to separate the world, and create a whole disguise
Just to keep us in these chains, while the rich get richer and the poor pray to you, and perpetuate a lie?
How do I know this ain't some big joke?
(How?) How can I have faith when there is no hope?
(How?) How the hell does one man have 100 billion dollars and we still have people on the street that are broke?
There's a lot of things, I wanna talk about, and get off my chest
I can't sleep 'cause the devil won't let me rest
I used to know a fucking pastor in a church, and I can still hear the screams of the kids, he would fucking molest
Dear God! Do you hear me?
(Do you hear me?) I'm supposed to fear you, but you ain't said shit
So, maybe it's you who actually fears me?
I don't know the answer, I just want to see it clearly
So many lies, there's a thousand different theories
All I want to know is, who really made religion 'cause I know it wasn't you but though nobody believes me
No more lies, no more death
Bring back King, bring back X
Please dear God, let their souls rest, protect who's left and watch their steps
Dear God (dear God, dear God)
I don't want to have to ask you again
I just hope that you know, that I'm still a believer, so, I'll end this all by saying Amen
It's Dax
***I'm not a Christian btw... I just like the way he thinks and puts words together.. A lot of like-minded ideas and thoughts.



Apr 23 at 08:41 PM

I can't sleep i keep thinking about this
What if, with everything that's going on
The world really is coming to an end?
Then what?
What if it isn't a lie? (What if?)
What if we make it to
Heaven and don't get inside? (What if?)
What if we get to the gates and
See God on the other side and
He looks us in our face and says
Our whole lives we've wasted time?
What if we can't go back? (What if?)
What if we can't redo this life
And get one second chance?
What if our future happiness is
Memories of our past (God)
While we burn forever haunted
By the devil's laughs? (Ha ha haha)
Why? Why do we push them away? (Why?)
And why do the ones we work
To keep never actually stay? (Why?)
Why do we focus on tomorrow
And forget about today (Why?)
And smile in everybody's face and try
And act like we're okay?
Why do we live this way? Why do we hate?
Why do we fight?
Why do we act like there's time
And got more than one life? Why? (Answer me)
Why? WHY!? Why? Why?
I'm older and looking for truth
I'm holding my faith in my hand but the pain
In this world has been shaking it loose
I used to have so much to gain
Now I have so much to lose
They say I'm crazy for looking for answers
I say they crazy for not giving proof
Vision is blurred, I'm over concerned
I'm looking at God to see if life
With him is something I've earned
The devil's been watching he's tryna recruit
He's been waiting at every turn
I'm driving this life on the highway
To hell but I won't burn, fuck!
We know the difference
We know what is wrong and
We know what is right
But Satan is strong, God
And most of your people are losing the fight
(We try) so what if we fail?
What if we can't escape his lies? (What if?)
What if we can't change
What if he still controls our minds?
Where do we run? Where do we go?
Who do we talk to?
We look around and everyone we
See is lost too (Fuck)
What if life was just some
Test that we all do? (What if?)
What if you were busy when we called you?
What if hell's on earth?
What if being born is dying
And dying's birth?
Would that mean life's not God's
Gift but the devil's curse?
And to live was to be
Evil 'cause it's words reversed?
What if the devil entered a pastor
And he led a church?
What if we looked for the truth
But didn't know where to search? (Where?)
What if the books they said to
Read had never been your words? (What if?)
What if we chose to follow you
But we still had that urge?
Will you forgive us for our sins
And let us in your world?
God we at the gates (What if?)
We couldn't see, hear, or touch you
But we had faith we know we messed up
We human and we make mistakes
So we just begging we get in
And that you'll have grace (Please)
God! What if we didn't mean it?
What if the place we grew
Up forgot to teach it?
What if we never even got the
Chance to go and seek it?
Then what, then what? (Then what?)
Dear Family we're in scary times
Nobody has the answers
Just make sure we spread love and believe
My name is Dax


Apr 23 at 03:48 PM


In 1962, look it up, the government did an operation which they called fishbowl, firstly.. What is a fishbowl? It is a container for a fish to live in whereas the fish cannot leave the fish bowl because the fish bowl is keeping the fish inside and what is the fishbowl made of? Glass, which would be impenetrable by a fish right?? So why name the operation "Fishbowl"..? They could've named it anything else in the world but they chose the word fishbowl.. it means what it says and says what it means. Why would you be testing nuclear bombs in our atmosphere? Does that make sense to do at all..? An average kindergartner could answer that question correctly. Hey let's just shoot some nuclear bombs up in the air that we breathe to explode them to see how it affects the atmosphere.. yeah that's a great idea! But anyways, the video goes on the show basically the same distinction of impact effects on the firmament with the nuke as well as the bullet to the target. They had to tell people something though right?? They couldn't have hundreds of thousands of people asking why there was a nuclear explosion in the sky so they came up with a cover story and narrative that suggests they were testing nuclear bombs explosions in our atmosphere.. it makes absolutely no sense so if you use your critical thinking, which was robbed from us from childhood you can clearly see the truth.. All the answers are out there if you have enough kooth to search for them. ❤️999❤️


Apr 23 at 02:03 PM


History repeats itself correct? Right before Hitler became the dictator mass murder he was a man set a blaze a parliament building in order to bring awareness to the country about what was to come in regards of dictorial communism So The man was publicly executed on stage in front of the entire country to show the exuberant amount of power the Nazi party had obtained and what silence anyone that came against it, Max, the man that set himself ablaze outside the Trump trial basically was saying the same thing, he claimed that he had done extensive research and that there would be a government coup whereas Biden and Trump are actually one in the same, which I have explained before, Trump never left office.. he signed executive orders before the end, or what seem to be the end, of his last term, that would actually leave him making all the presidential decisions from any type of way that he deemed necessary, maybe he actually created all of this? In order to actually take over the entire government.. I mean you can't possibly think that Biden is actually the Joe Biden who once existed..? Max called himself a blaze in front of the Trump trial in order to bring awareness to a government coup that was apparently supposed to happen very soon and he warned that it was a revolution because his words were true and if you look up the definition of revolution that is exactly what it is..
(Revolution - a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system..) *** overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Compare social evolution. Darkness, my friends, is on the horizon. I feel as if it is inevitable.. The people are so separated that neither side will take a loss in a non-egotistical maniac way. I fear death may be on the agenda in the near future.. I also seen a press conference where John Kirby was questioned about whether or not they were going to start evacuating US citizens but basically started talking about a war outside of the United States that may spread to the United States whereas they would evacuate people in regards of that situation but I feel as if it has nothing to do with any type of war outside of the United States but rather in the United States.