That's us!! This is why we incarnated on this rime-line!! We have soul work to do!!
The Uncensored Truth with Ivory Hecker
GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! π―ππ½πͺπ½
Holyhead, United Kingdom
Jan 22 at 04:01 PM
Jan 22 at 03:55 PM
Jan 22 at 03:53 PM
Is the way humans separate each other just something that is inevitable or do humans separate one another without truly knowing they're doing it?? Like unconsciously dividing each other.. have we been programmed to divide without even knowing it?? These are all very important questions and I'd also call them statements.. we need to really deeply and consciously look at ourselves and ask these questions with sincerity and pure intentions.. we are trying to do away with old seperationand fear based belief systems only to create NEW ONES! We have to rise above these systematic ways of separation and drop the control and egotistic ways of life. Everyone is equal no matter what,who, and why they believe in something. It's no one's place to say who is right and who is wrong.. everything and everybody just simply "IS"! Look at it like that and the acceptance of diversity and differences become much more inviting to your psyche of judgement.. it's like we stray away from these fear and separating belief structures only to create new ones.. we have to open our eyes as well as minds and realize this. Have we broke away from the everlasting dauntless matrix only to create a new one?!? Everyone is equal! There is no "BIG I's" or "little "YOU's"!! We make everything a compartmentalization situation and end up divided and distraught in every revolution we start and it ends with one disastrous conclusion..SEPERATION! Always start with one end goal and the vision of UNITY only to compartmentalize the whole revolution. Everyone should be able to be part of something..especially if the message is "UNITY" or to become "UNIFIED"! If you can't get that or understand that then your not ready to change humanity.. it's as simple as that and that is the truth of the matter. Nobody can argue with my post because it is TRUE! And the TRUTH HURTS..and then it feels better after you accecpt the constructive criticism and then apply whatever needs to be done to the movement and revolution.. in order for us to reach the END GOAL..WE MUST ACCECPT we have been programed to separate.. and the only way to overcome this matrix is to TRULY, AUTHENTICALLY, AND WHOLEHEARTEDLY change... WE HAVE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING 100%..or else we will end up with the same damn results..THEY SAY INSANITY IS "DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER EXPECTED DIFFERENT RESULTS..." WE have to chage.."IF NOTHING CHANGES,NOTHING CHANGES.." We rise together,together we rise!! β₯ π«π―
Jan 22 at 03:31 PM
Jan 22 at 03:30 PM
I keep trying to tell people they need to get a crystal! My crystal has magnified and intensified my energy by so much and it Sparks up many conversations with people as well.. drawing in positive energy in every in all ways. Get a crystal!
Jan 22 at 01:47 PM
Unfortunately, humans are not the most important nor the only race in the universe, and we are not the center of the universe. In fact, there existed a creator race that are our ancestors who traveled across the vast expanse of space and created various human species all originating from primate-like creatures "AKA" "homo sapiens". A source with knowledge and confidential materials has disclosed information regarding the covert space program's military sector, which has investigated diverse star systems and discovered numerous homo-sapien populations that resemble us, almost precisely. The search for life in the 80's embraced a much wider scope than previous endeavors, leading to the uncovering of numerous humanoid/homo sapien species as well as civilizations stemming from the identical human ancestry inside the star system of Cassiopeia. The implications of this astounding revelation were immense, reshaping our understanding of the likelihood of otherworldly existence and inviting further examination and investigation. In examining the civilizatios, we found commonalities in their principal cities, modes of transportation, cooking techniques, and fundamental nutritional elements. They were human!! Upon examination, Our civilization was more advanced technologically and we were more invested in warfare and the dividing of our cultures. Unlike other worlds, these planets were not dirty or polluted, instead they focused on creating sustainable methods of agriculture and city planning which allowed them to thrive without causing harm to the environment. They had a social culture compared to ancient Greece, with a focus on community and cooperation which brought a collective love and harmony. Most of them were democracies with a one planet government, but they also valued strong local forms of democracy all with good intentions and well menaing. They all had art and music.. In unity and harmony, all races worked together in their respective professions towards a shared vision. By valuing efficiency over personal fulfillment, we have inadvertently created a culture of misery from people doing things they are not fond of doing. By fostering a deep connection between individuals and their passions, these civilizations instilled a sense of purpose and belonging, ultimately leading to personal growth and collective harmony almost like Bashar has suggested that we live here in this reality,time-line and experience.. "follow your passions to the end, until you can't follow it any longer and then find a new passion and repeat the process and you will bring synchronization/meaning to your life" (-BASHAR) By centering our efforts around harnessing cutting-edge tech capabilities, we've managed to catapult ourselves into an exclusive position among neighboring galaxies as leaders in pioneering breakthroughs.The social systems of these other civilizations were more advanced, providing benefits to their societies and fostering a collective peaceful coexistence through coordinated efforts on there planet. This document suggests that our very own world was once inhabited by sophisticated societies which formed the bedrock of contemporary culture. Our planet operates in never emding cycles and just before the last pole reversal,some 15,000 years ago, these extraterrestrial beings abandoned planet EARTH evading the flood and catastrophic events which transpired. The connection between our planet and the others is not limited to just trade. Our militaries have also formed bonds through sharing information on technology advancements,knowledge, and intelligences as well strategic alliances. This is just one source and document of things like this going on..By embracing transparency and accountability, humanity has an opportunity to break free from oppressive forces and soar towards enlightenment. We must rise above diversionary tactics, reclaim knowledge, and sculpt a world where unity thrives. (WE MUST RISE TOGETHER IN UNITY AND IN PEACE TO DEMAND THE CHANGE THE COLLECTIVE NEEDS AND WANTS!! )
Jan 19 at 11:41 AM
Do you believe in spirits? Good VS evil spirits?? I'm dealing with a multitude of different negative spirits that have directly influenced me in many negative ways while also trying to make a bargain with me of promising me otherworldly senses along with power and dominance.. at first I accecpted them into my reality due to nothing more than confusion and bad advice and not I'm suffering the consequences but have been able to powerfully manipulate energy from Ra the sun God as well as channeling Christ Energy with a dash of pure source in order to push out these malevolent forces and have actually believe it or not been successful to an extent in eradicating them from my conscious and subconscious mind as well as my spirit but they are Relentless and do not want to take no for an answer so I have been forced to constantly Channel these Energies all day everyday and to do certain ceremonies and rituals at night time in order to combat there negative energy and negative intentions as well as negative agenda. Does anybody have any thoughts on negative Spirits entities or beings and how to combat their relentless deception and trickery? I have been talking to multiple spiritual advisors as well as spiritual acquaintances and have collected a multitude of data and have applied it differently and have gotten pretty good results but I would like to have a solution to end it for good and to close the book on this relationship that has been formed for good! If anybody has any type of advice, information or knowledge as to how to do that sufficiently I would be very appalled and grateful. Love and light to all! Here are some photos I took the other night if that may help you see what I am dealing with..moral of the story is i don't want there promises,dont want there energy,and dont want there presence!! Theres no confusion about that..its black and white..please help!!
Jan 17 at 06:06 PM
On December 31st around 1600 hours there was a x class 5.0 solar flare that's burst off of our life force the SUN. According to media and other sources this player caused a 7.0 earthquake near Japan which then brought a tsunami into fruition. Also the flare caused multiple satellites to be broken in one completely demolished knocking out radio signals across the globe.. there's rumors going around that there is supposednto be a massive solar flare that will likely be hurled at us big enough to engulf 60 Earth's. Is this talk just drama false information to scare us or could there be more to it??
Jan 16 at 10:59 PM
You know Trump is a little egotistic,enjoys participating in drama, and I'm not in agreeance with his repeated statements saying "DRILL BABY DRILL" buttttttttttt I think he is our ONLY hope.. I truly believe he cares about US citizens and has our best intentions.. he's great with money,obviously and I think President Trump is a stand up, self-righteous hard-working man. He values family..He despises marxism and does not support communist or radical type movements. You know the man is a little rough around the edges but I think he's our only hope because you know they're going to try there ABSOLUTE HARDEST to denominate somebody up there picking which will just be another puppet thus meaning this "one world government" agenda will most likely be met. Idk man.. you know I'm not one to support the government or even really care about voting. I think I've voted once in my entire life bit I seriously feel as if this will be the MOST IMPORTANT election the United States has ever had to have..thats just my opnion.. there us nefarious agendas that need to be met by the psychopathic world world master supporting the great reset and in order for them to live up to that agenda they are going to need full cooperation from the United States of America.. they will get that Cooperation if we get another puppet in the oval office. As annoying and childish President Trump can be I truly believe he's our night in shining armor!! Without him.. well,idk what's going to happen without him and I don't wanna know.. This year I WILL BE VOTING AND IT WILL BE FOR DONALD TRUMP!! Any thoughts on Trump and/or the upcoming election and how important you either think it is or isn't going to be?? I'd like to know how my spirtual family feels about Trump and all this.. love and light!
Jan 16 at 12:34 PM