GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 19 at 06:53 PM

We manifest our reality with our thoughts, intentions and actions.. that's the reality of our reality.



Apr 19 at 06:52 PM

We have been led to believe that our reality is nothing but physicality and our life consists of property and obtaining 3D objects when in reality we are divine beings that have a divine connection to a system that you can call God or Source but it's a system where everything is connected and everything is one and whence you realize this and learn how to manipulate energy (not in a negative way) or hack into the power grid you can literally do anything because the possibilities are infinite.. and once you learn to use this system you can create and orchestrate anything into your reality.. almost like 3D printing. ❀️⁹⁹⁹❀️



Apr 19 at 06:48 PM

You can discover so much by meditation and observing your inner self and you devine connection to source and your spirit guides. Once you connect with your spirit guides you will continuously receive spiritual downloads throughout your days and also while you sleep.. it's quite and fascinating and very meaningful. Meditation is the key to reaching higher consciousness and awareness. ❀️⁹⁹⁹❀️



Apr 19 at 06:46 PM

I tend to piss alot of people off or I make them feel really good about themselves.. if the person is looking for better then I give them better but if the person is searching for negativity or there living in negativity I seem to bring that out of them as well and they usually get very upset with me which usually results in a complete disconnection. All I do is mirror peoples true inner self at that particular moment.. well I read it and then give them feedback and either they respect it and grow or they deny, blame and hate. Either way.. I don't care because I always have true love and light intentions. ❀️ ⁹⁹⁹ ❀️



Apr 19 at 07:05 AM

⁹⁹⁹Do you have 10 minutes to wake up?? All the way up..? READ THIS!!⁹⁹⁹

Transcripts from (THE FLAT EARTH FILES)
By: Delmarva Studios (VIA. SPOTIFY)
Episode 6: Listener Emails & Occult Numerology In "GLOBE THEORY"

Today well talk a little bit about the numerology that is incorporated with the heliocentrism and the globe and it's not to the one who rules Earth right? We're going to talk about the sacred numbers and then we're going to get into some very interesting numerology involved with space and scientism so 3 is the first sacred number it is considered the perfect number three represents the pagan Trinity and it is also represented geometrically in the shape of a triangle (FREEMASONS/ILLUMINATI) and also spiritually as the third eye of Hinduism.. now a cultist will multiply and add 3 to other sacred numbers to create new numbers and you'll see in a minute.. you'll find out why 3 is so important I mean 33.. excuse me.. however they also group threes into twos and threes and they believe in the principle of intensification for example that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped in this case of 3 greater intensification is achieved when it shown as 33 or 333 remember 333 + 333 equals (πŸ‘Ή666πŸ‘Ή) you got it a call just have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they represent the more offensive number 666 and when the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event mathematically 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added, now let's talk about the next number 6.. of course 6 is the next sacred number representing the number of the soul of man this shows the omnipotent power of God as this belief parallels revelations 13:18 where God assigns 666 to men the beast six is also believed to be all sufficient which this parallels a Bible teaching which states that man's great sin is pride in himself (EGO) and the next one is 7 that's considered the next sacred number Van Buren call seven one of the most sacred of all the numbers, the invisible center of the spirit of everything since multiplication of seven creates an even more powerful sacred number you should not be surprised that three times seven or 21 is considered powerful so when Adam Weishaupt formed the Illuminati he arranged the timing of the event by arranging the numbers in a matter that would equal powerful numbers he chose May 1st which is also May Day which is a very communist day because May, the fifth month, added to the first day, equals six Weishaupt chose 1776 because the four numbers added up to 21.. 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21 further the number 6 + 21 = 27 and then another number of power, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3 * 9, and again, this date was chosen very carefully by Weishaupt.. the same reason that Oklahoma City and Waco happened on April 19th because of the date; the significance of the feast of molok and 9 is a sacred number because it is the first cube of an odd number triple ⁹⁹⁹nine⁹⁹⁹ is utilized to represent 666 because if you don't know these people, the Freemasons, they like everything inverted in relation to the the big "trans push" (WHICH DESTROYS THE HUMAN BODY, MIND AND SOUL) and lastly, well we have two perfect numbers which is more actually 11.. 11 is a sacred number because when 11 is multiplied applied by the perfect number of three the number 33 is produced and this number 33 is a number of tremendous occult importance 1933 remember in 1933 both Adolf Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt FDR came to power both of these men were committed to the establishment of a new world order and their actions impacted humanity greatly it was also in 1933 the first humanist manifesto was issued now do you see how Satan manipulated the world to produce three new world order events in 1933 lastly finally the number 13 is deemed sacred it accident that Hitler chose the year 1939 to begin world war II because 39 is formed by the multiplication of 13 * 3 that you can see how human history has been shaped by the occult belief in the power of numbers and 911 of course you know two big numbers 9 and 11 it's not a coincidence that September 11th was chosen for that day now we're also going to get into another number a very powerful number and it is especially important in Scientology and the globe All right so the number of the beast is 666 now pull out your calculators and play along this game 6 Γ— 6 Γ— 6 = 216 now you're going to see that number 33 all over the place if you go to Google and just put in the number 33 and hit search you're going to see news items from all over the world the stock market dropped 33 points 33 people died 33 people sick in Beijing China from COVID but they also use other numbers 3300 33,000 they like to hide that number in plain sight and it is coding to communicate with other Illuminati Freemason Jesuits around the world but the Scientology that goes into the flat earth is very interesting so once you remember that number ((2,160)) but also the variance of it right you'll see numbers like ((108)) which is half of ((216)) so let's start with the Earth's polar circumference according to the globers and Scientology the earth's circumference the polar circumference; "pardon me, is very near to (21,6)00 nautical miles so there's your ((216)) because the nautical mile was intended to express one minute of latitude which is 21,600 partitions of the polar circumference so there is your ((2/16)) now let's look at the moon The moon is (216)0 mi in diameter there is your ((216)) again 6 Γ— 6 Γ— 6.. then I came across a very interesting story this story is from NBC News dated March 4th 2014 at 7:54 p.m. Eastern time asteroid will zoom within moons orbit look for it online and asteroid is due to come within the orbit of the moon on Wednesday and you just might be able to watch it zoom passes now this is Wednesday 8 years ago looking for it listen to the number it's coming and asteroid at least as big as the one that blow up over Russia last year of the moon Wednesday astronomers say there's no chance it'll hit us but you just might be able to watch it zoom online online The space rock known as the 2014 DX110 is due to make its closest approach about 4:00 p.m. eastern time add a distance of about you got it folks 216,000 miles so there is your ((216)) now they also do say that the passing asteroid is thought to be 60 to 140 ft but they make sure to explain it in meters 19 to 43 m and there's your satanic number ((19)) (++THEY ARE HARASSING OUR ENERGY BY CREATING SPELLS THROUGH THERE SATANIC NUMEROLOGY INVOLVED WITH THIS BIG SPINNING GLOBE WE LIVE ON HURDLING THROUGH SPACE, THEY ARE DECEIVING YOU..WAKE UP!! NUMBER DON'T LIE .)) So yeah I have a friend in Australia her name is Kayla and she has a coincidence jar she said she has to empty it out every day because there's so many coincidences (THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCES) The story is from NASA it's interesting when get a their logo every time you once you realize that that logo was a serpent's tongue (LOOK AT NASAS SYMBOL OR GOOGLE NASAS SERPENT TONGUE SYMBOL AND YOU CAN SEE IT.. 🐍)) you can never unsee once you see it..The story is called receding Titan it was published December 17th 2004 a day after entering the orbit around Saturn of course Saturn saturnalia cassini sped silently past Titan imagining the moon's south polar region this natural color image represents cassini's view only about 2 hours after closest approach to the moon The superimposed coordinate system grid in the accompanying image right illustrates the geographical regions of the moon that are illuminated invisible as well as the orientation of Titan lines of longitude converge on the South Pole above the center of the image The yellow curve marks the position of the boundary between the day and night on Titan now here we go images taken through blue green and red filters were combined to create the natural color view these images were obtained using the cassini spacecraft wide angle camera on July 2nd 2004 7,000 km do you have want to take a guess how many miles that equals?? Yep, you guessed it.. 216,000 mi and there again is your ((216)) **All of this stuff it is science fiction--it's it's not true--it's just to make you believe that the Big bang theory happened and evolution happened and fish started swimming up on the beach and they eventually learned how to breathe and they became monkeys and you know your ancestors are monkeys and it's just a pure coincidence that you're here....!!! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
(🐠 βž‘οΈπŸ’βž‘οΈ πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ)
(CONTINUED..) this place (FLAT EARTH) was created just for us, and I believe there's a firmament just like any other place you know when when you're in school and you made the you know a terrarium right there's no such thing as you have to worry about any space rocketing it's by the way the one Ed Herod things I forgot to mention he was in Westworld and if you remember Westworld it's it's an enclosed area with a dome over top of it and Ed Harris was part of that as well so very interesting it's funny when they were talking about the camera they used the image scale is 21 km and 13 mi per pixel, but it's just again another coincidence, so talk about Earth, this is the big one Earth and it has a tilt an axial tilt on its axis of 23.4Β°..now ladies and gentlemen" if you take 23.4Β° and subtract it from the right angle of 90Β°, you got it 66.6 just a coincidence though right it's just a coincidence.. (AGAIN!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCES & EVERYTHING HAPPENS BECAUSE ITS SUPPOSED TO AS COINSIDENCES ARE DEBUNKING THE TRUTH OF AN EXPERIENCE) that the Earth's axis is 23.4Β° and when he subtracted from the right angle of 90Β° it comes to (πŸ‘Ή666πŸ‘Ή)




.....So the fact that it's 23.4Β° is just a coincidence there we go one more of the jar let's keep rolling along here All right what's half of 216 cuz they like to manipulate numbers 108 well Saturn's equatorial diameter is 120,000 and change actually it's 120,066 km but it's globe is kind of flattened and the polar diameter is only 108,000 km so there's your 108 which is exactly half of 216 right they can't do 216 every time they can't do 33 every time they can't do 666 every time they have to manipulate it and give you another coincidence now let's go to the next one how fast does the Earth orbit around the Sun 66,600 mph again 66,600 mph there is your 666 The diameter of the Sun is equal to the diameter of 108 earths what is the diameter of the Sun 864,000 miles Wait a second 864,000 miles if I pull out my calculator and I do 864 / 12 or try that again 864 / 4 I get 216 and by the way it goes on to say that the space between the Earth and Sun is filled with a hundred and eight sons 108 and 108 is 216 you can't make this stuff up it's just a coincidence right?? A couple more to talk about Skip this one how many minutes are in 6 days remember you know we talk God created everything in 6 days and on the 7th day he rests so if you take how many minutes are in 6 days there's 8,640 so there's your 864 and of course four times 216 and make sure fact check myself through 16 * 4 = 864 so there you go there just again another coincidence now let's talk a little bit about the New Jerusalem walls right it had a great high wall with 12 gates and with 12 angels in charge of the gates on the gates were written the names of the 12 tribes of the sons of Israel there were the three gates on each side they're in the East three on the south three on the north and you got it through on the west of course this comes from a revolution revelation excuse me 21 verses 12 and 13 so let's talk about that You're going to see some very interesting numbers because the wall completely surrounds New Jerusalem including the top and bottom we can understand why the wall has 12 foundations there are 12 edges to a cube edges that surround and hold a cube together this beautifully shows how the 12 apostles are the foundations upon the walls and are built and held together now because there are 12 edges to a cube picturing the 12 foundations and each 12 each edge is 12,000 furlongs long say that three times fast we have a beautiful picture of the entire church because 12 foundations or edges multiplied by 12,000 furlongs in length equals 144,000 thus the church class of 144,000 will completely surround the city and be a wall of protection for those inside and of course that number 144,000 is you know kind of talking about the tribulation right now we're getting to the payoff here in just a minute The area of one wall of New Jerusalem is 12,000 ft 12,000 furlongs or $144 million square furlongs 144,000 * 1,000 years is 144 million a picture of how the church of 144,000 will be a wall of protection for the thousand years of the millennial Kingdom now here you go The symbol continues to teach what could only have been known to the creator of the universe when this vision was given The area of one wall of the cube is 144 million square cubits so the area of all six sides is 864 million square furlongs there's your 864 consider these words from Jesus then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father The diameter of the sun is 864,000 mi right thus New Jerusalem's walls with an area of 864 million square furlongs is the same of the sun supposed diameter of 864,000 miles multiplied by thousands of years so there you go there I think I had one more I think I already covered all the flatters yep I I covered all of that I think that's a good run there and I'm sure there's a lot more numerology that if we took the time to dig in that we could get into it but again yeah.. The numbers the numerology in the globe in heliocentrism are very much you know intertwined with Satan's numbers and again 6 * 6 * 6 and if you want to get more into numerology and gematria I could recommend Zach Hubbard explains it very well but he's not I guess that the easiest way to say at least as far as the last I haven't watched him in a while he's not very much you know creator-based if you know what I mean he is not super friendly towards Christians maybe he's changed his ways I don't know but he does a great job of explaining to matria so and the reason I say this is because manly p Halls once you understand the numbers and the symbols especially in a movie like contagion and once you're aware of these things when you're watching when you go back and watch TV shows and movies you can see the symbology and how they brainwash people and again I would love to I could I could break down that movie contagion in video it would take like 6 hours to do it because even at certain times in the movie like at 1:33 33 that something is on the screen and again every movie and many TV shows there's globes just randomly on the set on a desk all of it even when you're a baby what is like almost every baby have hanging above their crib they have the little planetary solar systems spinning around above their crib so it's very much like Santa Claus you're the two things that are ingrained in your mind is a child is Santa Claus and that you are on a ball spinning you know a thousand miles an hour going around the Sun at 66,600 mph and the whole you know universes were just flying through the universe at x many miles per hour and this is all to get you away from God!!
βˆ†βˆ†βˆ† NOW THIS IS HOW YOU TELL IF YOU'VE BEEN INDOCTRINATED.. DO YOU FEEL ANGRY?? DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS IS ALL A COINSIDENCE?? DO YOU STILL BELIEVE SCIENCE OVER GOD?? WILL YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE HARD FACTS OF SATANISM IN THE NUMEROLOGY MEASUREMENTS OF THUS GIANT FALSE REALITY THE CABAL CREATED?? ARE YOU ANGRY WITH ME OR THE CREATOR OF THE PODCAST?? If you answered yes to any of these questions you my friend have been indoctrinated, (BRAINWASHED) and the only way to wander out of this delusional false reality you have to first acknowledge that you are wrong and that you have been lied to, tricked and deceived.. there's levels to being awake.. which level are you?? Love and light to all . Hope you enjoyed.. and I'm sorry that it wasn't in my own words and that I didn't write it myself but I have just been so busy with work but I absolutely had to share this with my Unifyd family. Everybody enjoy their weekend! And think about this reading.. do you believe in dozens of COINSIDENCES or do you believe that you are being tricked and deceived?? Everything is a lie.. Wake up. ⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹



Apr 18 at 08:26 PM

David Icke talks about the illusions of our 3D reality.. the 5 senses of illusion.. or the 5 senses of a physical matrix prison we have been thrown into.. the key to beating these illusions is by paying them no mind and completely changing your perception. Check out David Icke.. I think he is actually here on Unifyd.



Apr 18 at 08:24 PM

My energy readings are very strong and quite uncomfortable but I look at it like starwars and trusting the force and learning to coexist with it and to become a master at listening and talking to your higherself.. that is the one person who will NEVER lie to you... Yourself. ❀️⁹⁹⁹❀️



Apr 18 at 08:22 PM

About 2-3 months after my awakening I had dark negative forces seeking me out and they found me.. it started with suttle noises around the house and the knocking off of things on shelves and eventually cuttings on my body and the entering of my dreams and thoughts.. I still battle with the wicked forces on a day to day basis and I see them on a daily basis... I'm not sure if there inter-dimensional beings or spirits but what I 100% do know is that they 100% exist and the more clairvoyant and the stronger psyonic psychic abilities you have along with the impact you could potentially have on humanity they will attack you harder and more often because they want to keep humanity at a standstill decrease in life and everything around us.. so they are there.. they will come.. they will attack you.. and you shine your damn light as bright as you can and blind them with the forces of love and light.. I repeatedly tell them I love them everyday and they run scared.. they cannot withstand positivity, love and light. They will run from it so when they come.. SHINE!!! ❀️⁹⁹⁹❀️



Apr 18 at 09:09 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Disgusting and despicable.. I can't put in description from human words how disgusting this is and as I am searching chemical compound a 113 I literally see a video with 1.13 million views so tell me that's not synchronicity at its finest. I also posted that picture so scroll to the right to see. And I am posting the link to the full video in the description below..



Apr 17 at 08:00 PM

I challenge TLS & Unifyd to hop in there anti-gravitical spaceships and fly out into space and take a picture of Earth after you completely leave our atmosphere and post it on this platform for everyone to see.. can you do that? Can you really do that? Will you really do that? I love all of you and I support all of you but 100% truth and honesty is what the people of humanity deserve.. so I have heard in different episodes on this platform that TLS has a spacecraft which is actually hidden in plain sight but invisible which Jason has seen so there shouldn't be a problem for TLS to hop in their spaceship and ride out into space and take a picture of our globe of an earth.. I think that would put to rest either the globe theory or the flat Earth theory..I want you to bypass the government and NASA's pictures and take your own and share it with the masses so you can help humanity know our human orgins 100%. What are reality is why wouldn't you do it? If I had a damn anti-gravitical spacecraft I would have done it a long time ago.. so are you guys traveling to different parallel realities or are you actually traveling to different worlds? But I still challenge the organization to go take a picture of our globe of an earth and share with everybody. I feel like that would help humanity tremendously. ⁹⁹⁹