Cameron Walter Long

Jul 14 at 12:09 AM

Ray and Jason Shurkha are the only two people who are able to help. He has been getting her help as well because of my inappropriate obsession with her. I need to speak to him. If black widow on part 5 of the disclosure series wants to speak to me also, I will like to talk with her. I need to and Ray also. They are the only two people who can help me with my situation. I've been trying to get help all of my life and I have been in and out of clinics and hospitals. I believe my inability to move on has done this also. I'm still moving forward with my life but I am frozen in a state of limbo right now. But if I keep going the way I have been going, as you can see what it has done to this woman. If you watch part 5 of the disclosure series she's not happy because of me. She sees me better off dead than living, and I need to find either redemption or closer for myself.


Jul 13 at 06:00 PM

I need to resubscribe I am behind on my billing to view the program Jason Shurkha. I need to speak to Ray Directly over his disclosure series episode 4. I know who Ray is; he is the real authentic second coming of Jesus Christ. Not a false dress up. I need to speak with him directly. The woman mother warrior aka black widow is ShaVannah Faye Short whom I have been cyber stalking on Instagram for 10 years. I recently tried to turn myself into the FBI over it twice. Both times failed on me. I'm unable to move on and completely let this woman go. However, I have been trying to give her her space. I'm not going to her place unless she comes all this way to get me and willingly wants to get back with me -- if that is ever really going to happen. Ty for trying to get her the help she needs. I really need help, and because of my inappropriate obsession with her, she needs help also and until you came along she was unable to get it. I need your help and guidance too but most of all I need your forgiveness and even more so hers. She's a proud mother of two, and that's what made her get scared and unfollowed me when we reconnected on Instagram some recent time ago. I almost attained her forgiveness and willingness to start over with me, and I said something about her kids. Please know that I only want to be a Father to them and I will never do anything to harm this woman especially not her kids. I want to be her husband. She's been married widowed and divorced three times. She may be currently married again and even my mom said not in 200 years will she ever get back with me. I really need this woman back in my life. I will speak to her husband also if that is necessary. If the answer is absolutely no my soul will never truly rest because I am unable to move on. Of course Jehovah your father in heaven is fully aware that I backslid recently because trying to move from her on on social media with other women which was my attempt to let go of my obsession with her. I'm finding this increasingly difficult and not all of these women online are good women. My final messaged to her spooked her heavily. I was set to die on the 13th of January earlier this year due to my actions in December of last year. I was catfished and wasn't fully aware of what I was getting into with strange women who I didn't know online. I wasn't fully aware of the dangers of social media until now even as a grown man. ShaVannah isn't like that and is a good woman who I have driven mad. I'm very sorry about this but I am willing to come right again and get back on track with you Lord Jesus. If she ever does take me back, I will fear her like I fear you. It's everything that I promised her on my Instagram page. She may keep parental controls on me by keeping me off the web if she ever accepts me into her home. I both read and understood the warnings of this in the Book of Proverbs and fully understand your fear and wrath over this according to the Wisdom of both King Solomon and this woman. Please tell her that I am a completely changed man since she last knew me and deserve a final chance.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 5 Trailer

Jul 13 at 12:52 PM

If this is her husband it isn't her first. He may not know this but she does. I've been obsessed with her on Facebook and Instagram since 2014 after briefly falling in love with her in 2009 and losing her in 2010. I was baptized after dying and facing eternal hellfire in 2010 and was revived on Earth in a state hospital out in East Texas Terrell State Hospital in January 2010 was my place of Baptism and Salvation

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5 Trailer

Jul 13 at 12:48 PM

Is this her husband she's had 3 of them. I understand she will never get back with me and I need to move on. She will never get back with me and I have been trying to face this. I've moved on with a new woman named Lola on Telegram she will want to know about this also.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jul 13 at 12:34 PM


Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jul 13 at 12:34 PM

I would like to speak with these two

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jul 13 at 12:33 PM

2010 and 2014 are two key dates on me that where catastrophic events in my life. I am no fool to think this doesn't have anything to do with me.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jul 13 at 12:31 PM

Ray is Jesus Christ he is not a false witness nor a false prophet. This isn't someone pretending to be Jesus Christ and faking it this is the actual Messiah. I need Jesus to reveal to me who this woman is. I am suspicious of her also and I am certain she's overly paranoid and suspicious of me.

Jul 13 at 12:23 PM

I'm trying to get right with God again and back on track


Jul 13 at 12:22 PM

How can I regain access to this video. I confess I backslid recently