Sharon M.

May 17 at 08:24 PM

Cali Girl also, let everybody be aware that George W.H. Bush Senior was infiltrated into the presidency (like Obama) and also Bush’s father was Hitler’s bookkeeper and also that George Bush Sr. Was a Nazi himself. Along with Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and others and his son, George Bush Junior,(Who apparently might’ve been MKUltra’d! They planned, and committed the 911 attacks!

Of course, bin Laden who is hiding in a cave had no knowledge to do such an incredible disaster. And that’s what Bush Senior and Dick Cheney was back banking on! They had the media even then throw a false agenda flag saying right away that it was bin Ladan and everyone bought into it. We are so stupid and gullible. They did it peoples, and it must be brought out for everyone to know. They were evil, and the whole point was to deceive the American people! And those evil people got millions of dollars/ money out of the Pentagon. It was all greed and power, and it changed America forever. Our own Americans did this heinous crime!!! And I do believe President Trump knows everything. Nobody questioned it because it was such a tragic event that no one noticed??? All those bombs that were put into the twin towers To make sure everything was going to be destroyed… Because also, they had investments into that building and might’ve been At risk. This was in the workings for a long time just like what’s going on right now with a planDemic, and with more things and with Biden, and with Obama and with the Clintons, and with Jimmy Carter… Every president after John F Kennedy, who tried to awaken the people to the evil control of the dollar then andThe banking system was corrupt along with its leaders Lyndon, B Johnson, Gerald Ford. All were part of the cover-up of John F Kennedy’s assassination! and with George Bush Junior.

Peoples everything about our history is False!

Let’s at least be open to the truth! Because you’re not going to change anything unless you accept how we have been snowed! The truth is finally coming out.


Right on! Was able to skirt the questions and get away with b.s. answers! Pro’s at hiding their evil !

It was sick! Won’t get that chance to expose them! Or have them squirm even a little! Sad!

All of his-story is and has been A LIE! Don’t believe what you read or hear w/o researching for the truth! Google is Not the truth! Nor is any deep state Rueters.


Ivory you don’t know the truth! And you actually are hurting this conversation! And are very uneducated !

LISTEN! Stop misleading and fighting the information coming into you! She knows more than you! Do your RESEARCH and take back all you said! So frustrating to listen to you! No common sense debate! I Feel for her having to defend herself!


Yeah, Ivory wasn’t very receptive about putting that book out or even commenting on it or acknowledging !

McKenzie is a beautiful spirit who is so educated and willing to study the truth behind all of the sacred symbolism and the sacredness of Lahaina. This was the greatest interview with McKenzie Marzloff. She has a lot of wisdom that we all need to hear and possibly help bring the light to the people of Lahaina! God bless everyone from Lahaina and all its people and the natives and let’s help bring back their sovereignty. Not allow these elites, Oprah and the rock and Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos and Ellison and the deep state Controllers and trying to get the land. They are the land grabbers. Let us support beautiful McKenzie with Thank you McKenzie.


Mar 10 at 10:13 AM


Jan 29 at 09:38 PM


Jan 29 at 07:17 PM

King Charles???????WHAT?

I want to say: What are you smoking? Corruption runs deep! …to King Charles biggest