Jessica Cristiano

Buffalo, NY, United States

Dec 22 at 08:20 AM

Erika Szustakowski I would love that Erika!

Dec 21 at 08:53 AM

Erika Szustakowski

Hi Erika! I was just in Pittsford last weekend for my first EES session at Inner Sage Healing! Have you checked it out yet!?


Dec 19 at 04:08 PM

You’ve definitely upgraded to better ski mountains over there in Canada! I was just in Toronto two weekends ago for a concert!

Dec 14 at 11:22 PM

Beautiful 🪷

Dec 10 at 10:08 PM

I wish it was cold right now! I’m dying for some snow! I should be snowboarding by this time of the month 🏂



Dec 09 at 05:07 PM

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
*Mahatma Gandhi

Dec 08 at 04:58 PM

Buffalo, NY


Dec 05 at 10:01 PM

Hello Everyone!
I was hoping to make a networking suggestion for the UNIFYD TV app. Dr. Steven Greer has an app called “CE5 Contact.” Aside from the app guiding you in your journey to make contact with extraterrestrial life, the app has an excellent networking feature. Attached is a screenshot for clarity. The app displays other users in your vicinity, showing the distance in miles. It includes an integrated messaging system, allowing for easy communication with nearby users. Imagine discovering someone less than 5 miles away and connecting directly through the app! While we have the option of visiting UNIFYD healing centers for in-person connections, having a similar networking feature in the UNIFYD TV app would be incredibly beneficial, especially for those of us in areas like Buffalo, NY, where the nearest center is almost two hours away. The ability to see and message nearby users in the UNIFYD TV app would significantly enhance our community interaction. I'm hopeful for such a feature and look forward to the possibility of connecting with many of you in the near future!


Nov 13 at 01:46 PM

I have a question if anyone can give me some insight...

If ET are here for the codes written in our Bibles, why don't they just take the Bible's with them back to their planet and study them? Why do they need to be here on Earth to decipher the codes?