Rachelle McMillian

Dec 20 at 08:14 PM

Thank you and returning the positive energy back to you ! I appreciate your words and empathetic response.

......I have a "thing" with numbers and after I read all of the messages in response to my post I scrolled back thru and noticed it profile name stood out to me so I consciencely looked at it and it read 999 which I broc down instantly like I do in my head as many ways u can to result in my life number. 3 or 333


Nov 20 at 03:19 PM

  • I have so much shine and I know I'm different. Very different than others I haven't lived a life that brightens my shine .......I know I have something I'm supposed to do but trauma and use of drugs because of, has and is holding me back and keeping me stagnant quiet and dull I don't know what to do I didn't want to say too much but I had to reach out I just found this community I haven't stopped watching basically and I'm still on my 7-Day trial I hope somebody reads this and says something I know someone will I know it. Ra