Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Jun 28 at 10:57 AM

Jada Carter ,nice to meet you, it is like meeting me.

If you could read all my content that i already have posted you would see what i am talking about



Jun 25 at 06:30 PM

Jada Carter youre thoughts about the truth are more correct then you give yourself credit for✌️✌️✌️


Jun 24 at 05:25 PM

I think there are good and bad aliens and what is good and what is bad, i think the most have their own agenda but we will only know that if we have closer contact . I must say that i am very intrigged whith the knowing they excist and are here, i just love it.



Jun 20 at 05:25 PM

for me the summer solstice has turned in to a very black day, every year again because there is a town in China called yule,
And every year with the summer solstice they do a all you can eat dog festival there , what i find horrible but the most horrible thing is that they torture the dogs because there meat get softer then,
So they trow them in boiling olie,skin them alive,and do all the most painful things to them on the day the summer starts and it is allowed from the government.🤬😭😭
I would love to go there and every thing they do to the dogs, i would love to do to them.
This fucked the summer solstice up for me for the rest of my life because i cant stop thinking at all the pain and fear these animals must go true this day
I really wished i could change this🥺😔🥺

Jun 20 at 12:08 PM

I like this, i am Capricorn but with the 13th sign i would be saggitarius but my characteristics are more of a Capricorn and sure when i read the 3 stages, i am at stage 2 but cant wait now to get to the 3 stage😊😊😊

Jun 13 at 12:19 PM

Hey John, i think that there is only one person that knows what you should do and that is you, but i dont understand why you put this here, is t that something between you and this lady, it is a nice play of words but giving somebody a choice is not i will always try.

It will have effect but i am not sure what kind, and putting this here like that is in my eyes using her situation to make yourself feel better , but you dont, so maybe it is youre heart telling you that you handle the situation wrong .


Jun 13 at 11:53 AM

He is a real person, you can find him on Facebook, he is the founder of the Orion lines, he is also a movie maker , David peace Monroe.

I am not doubting that he is real or not, i was a bit afraid because i thought maybe he was. One of the cabal, but we dont talk so much anymore so it is oke, i am staying in rainy belgium😁✌️😁

Jun 07 at 12:39 PM

I would love to go to new Orleans once,city of witches,vampires and were Wolfs 😊😊😊

The reason i would wanne go there is to feel the energy of magic there, must feel quite different i think



May 07 at 04:18 PM

GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽 Yes please ,i want to know more


May 03 at 07:14 PM

Hey unifyd,
Why does everything that i post in the facebook group suddenly gets deleted.
First you guys said that it was because i was posting too much, but now i dont post much anymore and all the the rest of the messages from even a month ago get erased.
Al the things i post have something to do with transformation, if it is about magic,about dragons, about natural disasters, or just to have a laugh.
People liked my post and there were not offending or separating nobody
I thought you guys were unifyd and for connecting people but you dont, you only want to make a other group.
I paid for the transformation event so whh cant i not post anymore the things i post, i did nothing wrong to any of you.,but i can read between the lines dont worry and i dont stay where i am not wanted. ,
I would have upgraded but i gonne cancel,i really thought you were the good ones but i do t think that anymore otherwise you wouldn't do this.
The world is really fucked!!!