Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Aug 01 at 11:05 PM

charles lumkile komanisi yeah i also thought about this, it is possible and since my human design is manifesting generator it is surely possible

Commented on 👀

Jul 31 at 03:17 PM

It is staged, come on why dont people see that he has too much ego to be a good leader. Look up ego in the dictionary and his foto comes up😁

Anyway, he will be elected and it will not take long time before hell breaks loos. So buckle up

Jul 31 at 03:07 PM

I am a 3 not a six, same as my ascendant

Jul 31 at 01:55 PM

I talk about the programs on unifyd all the time and share stuff like now the interview that is coming with ray with my gnostic group also without being in the Ambassador program, i do it because i think it is true and to help raising awareness, not for the money but for a better world


Jul 31 at 10:46 AM

I love it♥️♥️♥️


Jul 16 at 04:29 PM

Celestine L Gray i start to believing that too

Jul 16 at 04:13 PM

Debra Dawson are you calling me hopeless??😉😁. Nice to get to know a other like minded soul. And yes i come back in the piek of the golden age as therapie for my heart and soul



Jul 11 at 07:26 PM

Jul 09 at 10:06 PM[]=en


everything you need to know for how to get there, by yourselfs and also how you can take your beloved ones who are still a sleep



Jul 09 at 09:33 PM

They all left us to die because we didn't finished the grid in time.

Only the sirians and the pleiadians and i think a other race stayed to help find a solution. They did find a solution but there is something happend in the year 1972 , i dont know what exactly but. It seems that we are going faster and faster in our evolution that not did they all returned to watch,there are even races from other Galaxys here now .we are the biggest show of the universe ever,because nobody knows how everything will evolve now,that is also why like Nostradamus and Edward Casey have everything Wright and then suddenly everything wrong from the 70's on.

If you want to know more about this you have to watch the flower of life also on Gaia with drunoval melchizedek ,i can share 1 episode that talks about this and more ,it really provide great knowledge but i also heared from a other source that it would be are divine spark that they want,that humans are the only ones with a direct link to the creator
