Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am


Apr 21 at 05:00 PM


Apr 21 at 03:37 PM

Energy fields can refer to various concepts across different disciplines, including physics, metaphysics, and alternative medicine.

1. Electromagnetic Field (EMF): A physical field produced by electrically charged objects, such as charged particles or electric currents.
2. Gravitational Field: The region around a mass where another mass experiences a force due to gravity.
3. Quantum Field: In quantum field theory, a mathematical field defined at every point in spacetime.
4. Biofield: An electromagnetic field or energy field surrounding and interacting with a living organism.
5. Aura: A field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object, often associated with spiritual or metaphysical beliefs.
6. Chakra: In various traditions, especially in Hindu and tantric belief systems, chakras are believed to be centers of spiritual power within the human body.
7. Prana: In Hindu philosophy, prana is the universal life force or vital energy that permeates all living things.
8. Qi (Chi): In traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts, qi is considered the fundamental energy or life force that flows through the body.
9. Scalar Field: A scalar field assigns a scalar value to every point in space.
10. Zero-Point Field (ZPF): In quantum physics, the lowest possible energy state of a quantum mechanical system, even at absolute zero temperature.
11. Magnetic Field: A vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in motion.
12. Electric Field: A vector field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts force on other charged particles within the field.
13. Scalar Field: A scalar field assigns a scalar value to every point in space.
14. Scalar Wave: A type of wave characterized by its lack of directional orientation, often associated with unconventional theories and technologies.
15. Torsion Field: A hypothetical energy field that arises from twisting spacetime.
16. Higgs Field: A field theorized to exist throughout the universe, responsible for giving particles their mass through the Higgs mechanism.
17. Luminiferous Aether: A hypothetical substance postulated in the 19th century as the medium through which light waves propagate.
18. Energetic Morphogenetic Field: A concept in morphic resonance theory proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, suggesting the existence of fields shaping the development and behavior of organisms.
19. Energetic Grid: A theoretical network of energy lines or pathways believed to crisscross the Earth and influence various phenomena, such as ley lines or Earth energy grids.
20. Subtle Energy Field: A term used in alternative medicine and holistic healing to describe the purported energy fields that interact with and influence the physical body.
21. Etheric Field: A concept in esoteric and spiritual traditions, referring to an energetic counterpart to the physical body, believed to extend beyond the physical form.
22. Plasma Field: A state of matter consisting of ionized gas, often exhibiting unique electromagnetic properties and behavior.
23. Energetic Signature: The unique energy pattern or frequency associated with a particular entity, substance, or phenomenon, often discussed in metaphysical or spiritual contexts.

1. Speculative Connections: Some of the other fields mentioned, such as torsion fields, scalar fields, or subtle energy fields, are more speculative or theoretical in nature. While they may have proponents who argue for their existence, they often lack empirical evidence or consensus within the scientific community. The connections between these fields and established physics remain hypothetical and subject to debate.
2. Metaphysical and Spiritual Connections: Concepts like chakras, auras, prana, and qi belong to metaphysical and spiritual traditions rather than mainstream science. While they are interconnected within the frameworks of their respective belief systems, the connections between these concepts and scientific fields are largely metaphorical or speculative from a scientific perspective.
3. Unified Theories: Some attempts have been made to unify different fields of energy within overarching theories, such as grand unified theories (GUTs) or theories of everything (TOEs) in physics. These theories aim to describe all fundamental forces and particles in a single framework but remain theoretical and unproven.

5. Interdisciplinary Perspectives: One way to perceive connections among energy fields is through interdisciplinary perspectives. For example, biofields, which are considered in alternative medicine, may intersect with electromagnetic fields studied in physics when discussing the subtle energy surrounding living organisms.
6. Emergent Properties: Some theories propose that certain energy fields may arise as emergent properties from the interactions of more fundamental fields. This idea suggests that complex systems, such as living organisms or cosmic structures, exhibit behaviors and characteristics that cannot be solely explained by the sum of their parts.
7. Information and Energy: In fields like quantum physics and information theory, there's an intriguing connection between energy and information. Some theories speculate that information may be a fundamental aspect of reality, intricately tied to the nature of energy and the structure of the universe.
8. Consciousness and Energy: Within certain philosophical and spiritual frameworks, there's a notion of consciousness as an integral aspect of reality, potentially interacting with various energy fields. This perspective suggests that consciousness may influence or be influenced by energetic phenomena, leading to complex interconnections between mind, body, and the environment.
9. Holistic Paradigms: In holistic approaches to health and well-being, there's an emphasis on the interconnectedness of various aspects of an individual, including physical, emotional, mental, and energetic dimensions. This perspective acknowledges the potential interactions among different energy fields within the human system and between individuals and their surroundings.
10. Emerging Research Areas: As scientific understanding evolves, interdisciplinary research areas, such as biophysics, psychoneuroimmunology, and consciousness studies, explore the interplay between biological systems and energetic phenomena. These fields aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying holistic health and integrative approaches to understanding life processes.

11. Quantum Entanglement: Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them, suggests a profound interconnectedness in the quantum realm. While entanglement primarily relates to the properties of particles, some speculate about its potential implications for broader energetic interconnections in the universe.
12. Resonance and Synchronization: Across various systems, resonance and synchronization phenomena occur when two or more oscillating entities adjust their rhythms to match each other. This principle is evident in physics, biology, and even social dynamics. The concept of resonance suggests a form of energetic alignment or communication between systems, highlighting interconnectedness at a fundamental level.
13. Holistic Ecology: In ecological studies, there's an increasing recognition of ecosystems' interconnectedness and the flow of energy and information among different organisms and environmental factors. The holistic perspective in ecology emphasizes the intricate web of relationships and feedback loops that sustain life on Earth, showcasing how energy fields intersect and interact within natural systems.
14. Cymatics and Vibrational Resonance: Cymatics explores the visible effects of sound and vibration on matter, revealing intricate patterns and structures formed by resonant frequencies. This field suggests a connection between vibrational energies and physical manifestation, hinting at underlying principles of resonance and coherence that may apply to broader energetic phenomena.
15. Information Fields: Some theories propose the existence of information fields that underlie physical reality, encoding patterns and structures that govern the behavior of particles and systems. Information fields may interact with or even be synonymous with energy fields, offering a unified framework to understand the interconnected nature of phenomena at different scales.
16. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: Traditional knowledge systems from various cultures often contain insights into energetic principles and interconnectedness, which resonate with contemporary scientific understandings in some respects. Integrating ancient wisdom with modern scientific inquiry can enrich our understanding of energy fields and their interconnections, bridging diverse perspectives on the nature of reality.

In summary, while there may be conceptual connections between various energy fields depending on the context and perspective, the extent and nature of these connections vary widely. Some fields are firmly grounded in scientific principles and evidence, while others remain speculative or are rooted in metaphysical and spirEnergy fields can refer to various concepts across different disciplines, including physics, metaphysics, and alternative medicine.

1. Electromagnetic Field (EMF): A physical field produced by electrically charged objects, such as charged particles or electric currents.
2. Gravitational Field: The region around a mass where another mass experiences a force due to gravity.
3. Quantum Field: In quantum field theory, a mathematical field defined at every point in spacetime.
4. Biofield: An electromagnetic field or energy field surrounding and interacting with a living organism.
5. Aura: A field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object, often associated with spiritual or metaphysical beliefs.
6. Chakra: In various traditions, especially in Hindu and tantric belief systems, chakras are believed to be centers of spiritual power within the human body.
7. Prana: In Hindu philosophy, prana is the universal life force or vital energy that permeates all living things.
8. Qi (Chi): In traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts, qi is considered the fundamental energy or life force that flows through the body.
9. Scalar Field: A scalar field assigns a scalar value to every point in space.
10. Zero-Point Field (ZPF): In quantum physics, the lowest possible energy state of a quantum mechanical system, even at absolute zero temperature.
11. Magnetic Field: A vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in motion.
12. Electric Field: A vector field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts force on other charged particles within the field.
13. Scalar Field: A scalar field assigns a scalar value to every point in space.
14. Scalar Wave: A type of wave characterized by its lack of directional orientation, often associated with unconventional theories and technologies.
15. Torsion Field: A hypothetical energy field that arises from twisting spacetime.
16. Higgs Field: A field theorized to exist throughout the universe, responsible for giving particles their mass through the Higgs mechanism.
17. Luminiferous Aether: A hypothetical substance postulated in the 19th century as the medium through which light waves propagate.
18. Energetic Morphogenetic Field: A concept in morphic resonance theory proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, suggesting the existence of fields shaping the development and behavior of organisms.
19. Energetic Grid: A theoretical network of energy lines or pathways believed to crisscross the Earth and influence various phenomena, such as ley lines or Earth energy grids.
20. Subtle Energy Field: A term used in alternative medicine and holistic healing to describe the purported energy fields that interact with and influence the physical body.
21. Etheric Field: A concept in esoteric and spiritual traditions, referring to an energetic counterpart to the physical body, believed to extend beyond the physical form.
22. Plasma Field: A state of matter consisting of ionized gas, often exhibiting unique electromagnetic properties and behavior.
23. Energetic Signature: The unique energy pattern or frequency associated with a particular entity, substance, or phenomenon, often discussed in metaphysical or spiritual contexts.

1. Speculative Connections: Some of the other fields mentioned, such as torsion fields, scalar fields, or subtle energy fields, are more speculative or theoretical in nature. While they may have proponents who argue for their existence, they often lack empirical evidence or consensus within the scientific community. The connections between these fields and established physics remain hypothetical and subject to debate.
2. Metaphysical and Spiritual Connections: Concepts like chakras, auras, prana, and qi belong to metaphysical and spiritual traditions rather than mainstream science. While they are interconnected within the frameworks of their respective belief systems, the connections between these concepts and scientific fields are largely metaphorical or speculative from a scientific perspective.
3. Unified Theories: Some attempts have been made to unify different fields of energy within overarching theories, such as grand unified theories (GUTs) or theories of everything (TOEs) in physics. These theories aim to describe all fundamental forces and particles in a single framework but remain theoretical and unproven.

5. Interdisciplinary Perspectives: One way to perceive connections among energy fields is through interdisciplinary perspectives. For example, biofields, which are considered in alternative medicine, may intersect with electromagnetic fields studied in physics when discussing the subtle energy surrounding living organisms.
6. Emergent Properties: Some theories propose that certain energy fields may arise as emergent properties from the interactions of more fundamental fields. This idea suggests that complex systems, such as living organisms or cosmic structures, exhibit behaviors and characteristics that cannot be solely explained by the sum of their parts.
7. Information and Energy: In fields like quantum physics and information theory, there's an intriguing connection between energy and information. Some theories speculate that information may be a fundamental aspect of reality, intricately tied to the nature of energy and the structure of the universe.
8. Consciousness and Energy: Within certain philosophical and spiritual frameworks, there's a notion of consciousness as an integral aspect of reality, potentially interacting with various energy fields. This perspective suggests that consciousness may influence or be influenced by energetic phenomena, leading to complex interconnections between mind, body, and the environment.
9. Holistic Paradigms: In holistic approaches to health and well-being, there's an emphasis on the interconnectedness of various aspects of an individual, including physical, emotional, mental, and energetic dimensions. This perspective acknowledges the potential interactions among different energy fields within the human system and between individuals and their surroundings.
10. Emerging Research Areas: As scientific understanding evolves, interdisciplinary research areas, such as biophysics, psychoneuroimmunology, and consciousness studies, explore the interplay between biological systems and energetic phenomena. These fields aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying holistic health and integrative approaches to understanding life processes.

11. Quantum Entanglement: Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them, suggests a profound interconnectedness in the quantum realm. While entanglement primarily relates to the properties of particles, some speculate about its potential implications for broader energetic interconnections in the universe.
12. Resonance and Synchronization: Across various systems, resonance and synchronization phenomena occur when two or more oscillating entities adjust their rhythms to match each other. This principle is evident in physics, biology, and even social dynamics. The concept of resonance suggests a form of energetic alignment or communication between systems, highlighting interconnectedness at a fundamental level.
13. Holistic Ecology: In ecological studies, there's an increasing recognition of ecosystems' interconnectedness and the flow of energy and information among different organisms and environmental factors. The holistic perspective in ecology emphasizes the intricate web of relationships and feedback loops that sustain life on Earth, showcasing how energy fields intersect and interact within natural systems.
14. Cymatics and Vibrational Resonance: Cymatics explores the visible effects of sound and vibration on matter, revealing intricate patterns and structures formed by resonant frequencies. This field suggests a connection between vibrational energies and physical manifestation, hinting at underlying principles of resonance and coherence that may apply to broader energetic phenomena.
15. Information Fields: Some theories propose the existence of information fields that underlie physical reality, encoding patterns and structures that govern the behavior of particles and systems. Information fields may interact with or even be synonymous with energy fields, offering a unified framework to understand the interconnected nature of phenomena at different scales.
16. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: Traditional knowledge systems from various cultures often contain insights into energetic principles and interconnectedness, which resonate with contemporary scientific understandings in some respects. Integrating ancient wisdom with modern scientific inquiry can enrich our understanding of energy fields and their interconnections, bridging diverse perspectives on the nature of reality.

In summary, while there may be conceptual connections between various energy fields depending on the context and perspective, the extent and nature of these connections vary widely. Some fields are firmly grounded in scientific principles and evidence, while others remain speculative or are rooted in metaphysical and spiritual traditions.

Apr 20 at 04:34 PM

The language of love is feeling, so you can find it best in the touch but i use al my senses when i love somebody, i like looking at the person, i like the smell,the way he talks. Yep , love can go deep ♥️♥️♥️


Apr 20 at 04:26 PM

I really should start doing meditation but i have a very active noisy brain. It is hard to make it shut up

Apr 20 at 04:22 PM

Life changing, educational,uniting


Apr 19 at 06:31 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥you felt as a young woman that is why i gave you some advice, i am sure you already have a lot of experiences and there is lot more to come but keep following your intuition and you will be fine, you doing fine already✌️✌️✌️


Apr 19 at 06:22 PM



Apr 19 at 08:22 AM

Hey,sorry to react without being asked but what about intuïtie and acting upon that.

This is very important ,learning to think for yourself and make mistakes while doing because that is the only way to grow,and that is the purpose right.

Your cosmic family while back you up,right or wrong and correct you after but you have to experience to really know something.

Knowing because somebody said and knowing because you experienced are 2 different things

Just giving some advice✌️✌️✌️


Apr 17 at 07:08 PM

I am not such a big fan of poltergeists and demon and all of these dark entities.

I do love magic, the occult and everything paranormale but nothing too dark

Apr 16 at 10:40 AM

You just have to put a nicotine patch on and in 3 hours you will feel better and all the things that still are residu from covid will go away. Did you not watch the live q&a with dr hardys( sorry dont know the right spelling) or better chew some tabacco