Michelle Ricaille

Zurich, Switzerland

Dec 01 at 07:34 AM

Beautiful hidden souls that are needed more than ever now. Thank you Lisa


Nov 25 at 10:42 AM

3Caleb6Reeves9 I have been to a center here in Switzerland felt like my system was being charged it was quite an experience. At the moment Switzerland is on the black list no more EEsystzms can enter here last I heard

Nov 23 at 04:23 PM

Jeremy Wulff 100% :)


Nov 23 at 04:22 PM

Thank you

Nov 23 at 04:18 PM

I know :( both of my grandparents where murdered in the hospital during Covid my mother watched this happen :( she was a nurse for 40 years they where giving them extremely high doses of morphine which suppresses the lungs and the person can’t breathe. She tried to stop the nurse, but the nurse said « doctors orders » :( of course written as the cause of death was Covid. I have been down many rabbit holes these past 3 years

Nov 23 at 04:05 PM

Thank you


Nov 23 at 12:44 PM

Hello Cate- I recognize your suffering and pain & will try and help you at no cost or donation if you want, but first you must change your mindset, otherwise no one will be able to help you.

First you need to step away from these diagnosis words, the system that most likely caused your illnesses is not the system that will heal those illnesses as they both resonate at the same low frequency. Natural medicine, natural foods, light, meditation, love, positive thoughts, etc.. resonate at a higher frequency and can bring your current low frequency state up which then your symptoms which are tied to that low frequency will just disappear.

Second understand words are “magic” every negative word you say, think, write is programming your body your cells. You need to say, think, write words that Program your body your cells. Example: my cells are powerful rays of healing light that can transform anything that is harming me into healing me. I am full of healing power!

Nov 23 at 05:10 AM
