Michelle Ricaille

Zurich, Switzerland


Dec 07 at 06:52 AM

"Every guru is a trap.
Every leader is a tyrant.
Every teacher confuses.
The disease of the century is called "addiction."
Contact with the soul is reduced to a dim light.
If we were in touch with our deep heart, which is the real place of the spirit, we would not accept any leader, any teacher, any guru. We would be independent.
Awake, alert, autonomous, not automatons.
You are the teacher.
And inside there is also everything you need.
be yourselves 🌠


Nov 23 at 05:25 AM

I am so happy to join a platform where I hope my posts will not be censored. I have been blocked on IG multiple times, accounts deleted and some videos on YT censored for simply sharing natural healing, especially these past 3 years. I am sharing this video for those interested :) How to use 18 Homeopathic Remedies to heal yourself. https://youtu.be/NXZQ1jx3c4M?feature=shared
I know a lot of people don’t believe in Homeopathy, I also didn’t and was highly skeptical until it cured my 12 years of chronic illnesses in 1 month. After experiencing this, I decided to study classical homeopathy it took me 3.5 years post graduate with completing a thesis in The Homeopathic treatment of Bipolar Disorder. I have 2 boys 13 & 11 who have never had any form of pharmaceutical drugs. I have managed to treat everything mostly with Homeopathy :) I have not been to any form of MD in 12 years. I want to share this knowledge and hope others can find their way out of the conventional medical system. The more we feed that system the stronger it becomes. I feel people need to take back their power and learn how to heal themselves. Of course if in an accident ER is the way to go and certainly saves lives. I hope this video helps someone.
Love & Light, Michelle