Michelle Ricaille

Zurich, Switzerland

Amazing & beautiful discussion


Thank you


Mar 01 at 01:45 AM

100% agree


Mar 01 at 01:38 AM

I grew up in Clear Lake, IA

My parents now live in Anoka, MN where I visit every summer with my kids, but now I live in Zurich, Switzerland (the land of the corrupt elites :( ) just down my street is the large private Rothschild Bank and just across the street is one of their large mansions (always closed up) except for gatherings. Private vaults of gold in the mountains. The $ here is disgusting while so many people in the world struggle to pay bills. :(


Jan 03 at 06:15 AM

Love love love

Dec 08 at 08:04 AM

VERY good documentary thank you for sharing


Dec 07 at 06:52 AM

"Every guru is a trap.
Every leader is a tyrant.
Every teacher confuses.
The disease of the century is called "addiction."
Contact with the soul is reduced to a dim light.
If we were in touch with our deep heart, which is the real place of the spirit, we would not accept any leader, any teacher, any guru. We would be independent.
Awake, alert, autonomous, not automatons.
You are the teacher.
And inside there is also everything you need.
be yourselves 🌠

Dec 07 at 06:50 AM

Spot on


Dec 06 at 04:11 PM

Hello Debbie I didn’t even realize comments were turned off - thank you for pointing that out :)


Dec 06 at 04:10 PM

Hello, 100% agree finding the right constitution for the person is definitely an art that needs a lot of skil. Everyday I’m learning sometimes I find the persons constitional remedy the first time and magic happens it’s so incredible. other times it takes me a few remedies if the person doesn’t give up on me, and a few I couldn’t get find their constitution which then transfer them to my professor in India Dr. Farokh Master, he only takes highly complex cases. I also discovered that Amazon is selling fake homeopathic medicine. It’s very important to source homeopathic medicine from a lab like Helios in the UK, HahnamannLabs in the US
