I’m 53 yrs old….. for my entire life as far back as I can remember I have had very vivid dreams, could remember my dreams, and for a period of time during my childhood I came to the awareness that I was in a dream and thereby chose or control what I was doing in the dream. Another thing from my earliest memories up until probably age 11 or 12, I had recurring dreams in which I could fly. The process to do this in my dreams was effortless and natural. These dreams were so real, so vivid, so convincing that on occasion I would go out into my back yard and attempt to take flight just as I saw myself do so in the dreams. However I only landed flat on my face, or got tripped up and hurt myself a little, lol. I’d still try it on and off every once and awhile, but not too often because clearly it hurts when your full weight hits the ground. At some point before puberty, though I can’t recall exactly when, those type dreams just stopped happening. I don’t think I’ve had any after that point in my life, and if I did they were very few. I also would experience Deja Vu quite often in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. I still have it today just not as frequently anymore…..maybe a handful of times in a year. I do miss having all those experiences really, and somehow I get this feeling or understanding that the reason I don’t is because of experiences I’ve had in life that lower my vibration and/or maybe that they’ve been taken away from me for some reason. In my 30’s and early 40’s I had the notion it was a punishment of some sort. I don’t know if this is true or if it’s just a natural process of sorts as we grow up and get older. Now, The biggest question I have about all of it is: are these types of abilities and experiences hereditary at all? Both my children were/are very vivid dreamers like me, as well as being “sensitives” , who sense energy and can see spirit too sometimes. They are adults now but have had this since being babies just like I did. This is fascinating to me and if there is any validity to that I would love to hear the answer and reasoning behind it. Loved this episode btw, and thank you for graciously sharing your knowledge and experiences with us! 🥰✌🏻💕🙌🏻
Kiki Amorosi
Piscataway, NJ, United States
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Dec 29 at 12:19 AM