
Boston, MA, United States

Mar 16 at 06:09 PM

Are you your mom’s health care proxy. Might help to have a say as to her care. Or power of attorney with medical care. And just be persistent. I’ve been through a lot with my adult son. 🙏❤️ to you.


Mar 16 at 01:45 PM

😂😂😂🙏❤️. Sounds like a Dunkin commercial!! Hahaha….Don’t know if you’re from Massachusetts….got to laugh at all the ridiculousness. 😂 love you!!!!

My son has been labeled schizophrenic and other diagnoses. He is a smart, loving, knowing person. I never doubt him. We have very interesting talks about life. He has many friends who love all of him for who he is. And more people who think he’s crazy and I feel are afraid of him. He doesn’t like to talk to others ( I have very deep conversations with him . Because I believe what he tells me). About his beliefs/“knowing things “. He has had a difficult journey. Was in a very dark catatonic place for years during Covid lockdown… but has gradually come back. With help of very caring people and friends. I pray for everyone like my son and their families/friends who go through these struggles. Yet I feel blessed to have him in my life. He is full of love. When he was small called him “ little Buddha “🙏❤️


Mar 16 at 09:46 AM

♥︎999♥︎ 🙏❤️ peace and love

Commented on 1992 🙊🐒🦍🦧

Mar 16 at 12:47 AM

1953 Snake. 🪱😊🙏❤️

Mar 15 at 10:50 AM

Karen Any “lefty’s “ out there? I’m also left handed/amedextrous sp?? and many in my family same.

Mar 15 at 10:42 AM



The Chosen One yes agree! ❤️ being alive. Grateful for our Mother Earth and all provided for us. On this beautiful planet. I just am so sad to see what the human race has done to Mother Earth. And the creatures that live here. And the beautiful souls ( children) born here. I don’t hate anyone. Just think my journey is to forgive myself, love myself better and trust myself moving forward in this life.making better choices. I was born into a disfunctional abuse situation. Of course children my blame them self ( groomed) or think they are unworthy. I always felt I didn’t belong here. I was extremely intuitive I knew things that were out of the norm for a child growing up in the 1950’s. I never talked about to adults. I felt safest/protected by my dog and my ancestors and my safe place is in nature and animals. But did / do have a “normal “. Successful life in the human world. Just saying if “I had to choose “. Would choose my Animal friends. I do have many big and small, 🙏❤️


Mar 08 at 01:09 PM

I was born West of Boston. Live south shore of Boston. ❤️. Greetings to you ❤️