
Boston, MA, United States

Mar 08 at 01:05 PM

When in a science class/ college. . I tested self as O~ . Much later, before a surgery Dr. recommend I donate my own blood to transfusion myself after surgery. Not sure as it was very stressful time , I thought they said A~. My mom was a negative also. My mom is part Native American. Culture beliefs very different from western civilization. So where do we fit in. Where are we from. Wonder!!! ❤️


Mar 08 at 07:24 AM

Alignment money love breakthrough …….interesting I have been going through a very rough phase in my life in relationships, family and self, health,and financial. .

Mar 07 at 10:45 AM

I look on at them as pathetic,low life vibe’s. Very dark being. Very weak sad being s. That need to forced to be held accountable. You have to be able to forgive yourself first before you can be forgiven. They are lost souls. ❤️🙏


Mar 05 at 11:45 AM

I feel strongly that anything is possible!!!❤️ And that we are all strong beings. When I was small child I had reaccuring dreams. I would wake and a big tiger with intense eyes would be watching me, other dreams that were very out in space like and dreams of floating above ground in a room rising above very stressful energy. Never felt I had anyone I wanted to talk to about a lot of things. When older very few humans I would talk about my life and experience s. So happy I found this Unified site. ❤️❤️

Mar 05 at 10:38 AM

Yes. There are two EeSystem centers in my area. I have reached out to one about questions about a past open heart/ aorta repair. As I have a lot of foreign parts. Haha. Which I was told no concerns. Which I felt. Just wanted to check. Just need to save up for cost. Also wanted my daughter and son and animals hahaha to schedule a visit. We are a family full of healing beings. ❤️

Mar 04 at 04:12 PM

Thank you so much for your post. I love this! Going to save this. And use. I have sleep issues from trama/abuse. Don’t like sleeping alone. Always have had a dog or two. Haha. And meditate or repeat prayers my mom taught me to feel safe ❤️. 🙏

Mar 03 at 10:12 AM

In middle school went on a field trip to New York City, I lived just west of Boston, Massachusetts. The UN. Was a creepy place. Didn’t like the vib.

Extreme uneasiness around certain people as a child that turned into social anxiety as adult…. Is that just a survival reaction to abuse or fear.? I feel internally strong. … although it has affected my making choices in relationships not turn out well .. If I had to choose between a human or nature/ my animal friend s. I have many. Live near conservation land Think I would choose nature/ animals. ❤️


Mar 02 at 12:05 AM

Eastern medicine. Alternative medicine. In treating mental illnesses. Including severe mental illnesses/ psychosis. When ray spoke about children with ADHD and Schizophrenia and two souls in one body. It got me thinking about my son. Even when I was carrying him before he was born. I knew he was different. He’s an adult now. He has always believed he has always believed he has the struggles in this life, and he has many, because of his past lives.

Mar 01 at 09:34 AM

Ha. Didn’t I feel like could be any of the listed ones. At the same time I feel I have parts of all of them!! Then I reread the list. I think I resonate more as a wise ones. As I was as a child taught to not talk about my power/abilities out of fear. My grandmother was same. Never talked about her ancestors/family. Until I approached her as I was working on a project in college. I was still a teenager. An she told me her grandfather was full blooded Native American. I felt so sad for her that she could not feel proud about herself. And talk openly about he family
