Sasha Watson

Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Dec 13 at 07:48 PM


Dec 13 at 07:23 PM

I'll b there!

Dec 11 at 04:05 PM

Jason, thank you for these videos! I actually heard about TLS yesterday and then an ad for Unifyd popped up on my YouTube today. Synchronicity  Ask me about ETs asking to inhabit my body a few years ago via random FB msg. 

My question about reincarnation is this...if consciousness is NOT linear, does that mean that not only do we have PAST lives but FUTURE lives also-if everything that is ever going to happen is happening right now? It makes sense to me that if our soul knows all-that means things past and future as well as present. Our divine will guides us through its knowledge of all that is--meaning that although we are living out the present, the future has already happened (at least on this timeline, which taking all of this into account is intertwined with all other timelines) and we are acting out what becomes the ultimate eventuality.

side question: That also brings to mind the question of ghosts--are they all from the past or could they be from the past, present, and future?