Christina Smith


Feb 04 at 08:48 AM

I need to put this out there for everyone to see. I ran into it on accident a few weeks ago. I’ve followed up on all the military and government documents and this seems legit.
All democracies worldwide are about to end forever. Trump, Putin and space force have been operating a clandestine project by the name of “storm” for the past 4 years. Its is no declassified and coming to a halt. It will all be completed by the end of March.
I’ve done my homework and find this to be 💯 true as the people they said they annihilated are actually indeed GONE!

I cannot post links here so you will have to follow your own rabbit hole.
Everything you need is here PASCAL NAJADI 🇺🇸 DISCLOSURE - find him on TELEGRAM.
Links, government documents, photos, clues etc.
Please tell me what you all think . Hopefully Jason and Ray can shed a light on it as well.


Jan 18 at 10:45 AM

Not too long ago, on one of Jason’s pages, I had found a link to the gemstones such as he always wears. Bracelets, necklaces, tigers eye etc.
I cannot seem to find it again. I don’t remember how I got to it before. Can someone please help me?



Jan 08 at 01:36 PM

I am very excited. I ordered the book “the pyramid code”. It’s being delivered today. I cannot wait to start it. The rest of the books will soon be on their way as well.