Christina Smith

Feb 27 at 09:05 AM

That is literally the most uneducated and thoughtless comment I’ve read in quite some time. You must not have watched this Q&A with Jason. I suppose you should do that. It may help you!

Feb 27 at 09:01 AM

Finally someone that knows of Trumps behind the scenes plans. ❤️ Hope is coming. Each day something new shows itself in a positive light. The bad and evil beings will reap what they sow. Let us transcend and learn to become one!

Feb 21 at 08:39 AM

@akasha first of all… for you to sit here and accuse anyone of lying is just not very appealing of you.

Its hard for some people to accept truth. It really is. I used to be one of those people. But, when you reach your point of awareness and enlightenment, you will see there’s no reason to hate on anyone or call anyone names. Just because we believe something different than you do, does NOT make someone a liar or any other type of negative term.

Denial is a huge part of growing up. I myself, personally, follow FACTS! We’ve been lied to our entire lives. Our parents and grandparents and even great grandparents.

It’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to be confused. It’s okay to be lost. But it is not okay to show hate towards our fellow man. No one did you any wrong to cause for such hostility. Yet, you think others need “Jesus”?

These things, people and places may be real but every single person and religion in this entire world different IDEAS, but it does not mean it’s true!


Feb 20 at 09:18 PM

There is a purpose for this. This purpose is because many things need more elaboration. As people on the outside we only know what ray tells us, which most doesn’t even make sense to us. Jason just constantly reminds him of this for us.

Like Jason has said in previous interviews, a lot of this information we can’t even make sense of. By giving more details and explanations we may be able to make more sense out of things.

I know that Jason is constantly saying this now when he’s asking ray questions. He needs to be reminded that everything, and I mean everything, is new to us. We are learning something each and every time he makes an appearance.

I’m just saying… Jason was once a skeptic. He was in our shoes before now. So he also tends to ask questions that we would. He knows the things that will arise.

I feel it just helps so much more in my opinion!



Feb 05 at 06:08 PM

Nothing in this entire existence is flat. Nothing. Science just doesn’t work that way. Beyond a shadow of doubt ALL planets are spherical. ALL!

I don’t believe calling people names or being negative is okay no matter what each of us believe in. We are humans. We are free. We are allowed to feel any way we want to about anything that’s out there. That’s what makes humans and freedom so great. 😃

Just because we aren’t on the same level does not mean we are any less as one! We can share our ideas, experiences and thoughts in a positive way. Just the same as we should listen and let others share theirs just the same.

We can be united and different than one another! That’s okay, it truly is. Hugs!



Feb 04 at 08:48 AM

I need to put this out there for everyone to see. I ran into it on accident a few weeks ago. I’ve followed up on all the military and government documents and this seems legit.
All democracies worldwide are about to end forever. Trump, Putin and space force have been operating a clandestine project by the name of “storm” for the past 4 years. Its is no declassified and coming to a halt. It will all be completed by the end of March.
I’ve done my homework and find this to be 💯 true as the people they said they annihilated are actually indeed GONE!

I cannot post links here so you will have to follow your own rabbit hole.
Everything you need is here PASCAL NAJADI 🇺🇸 DISCLOSURE - find him on TELEGRAM.
Links, government documents, photos, clues etc.
Please tell me what you all think . Hopefully Jason and Ray can shed a light on it as well.

Replied on Codes Of Creation

Jan 22 at 10:52 PM

Some have, Pedro. Some have done exactly that for many many many years. We know the world isn’t flat. We aren’t in a dome. People have and still travel outside of our atmosphere.


Jan 22 at 05:45 PM

No issues for me! Read the book, watched all interviews and listened to this twice! ❤️

Jan 22 at 08:32 AM



Jan 18 at 11:24 AM

That’s it!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
