Caylub Hayes

Lincoln, NE, United States

Jun 17 at 11:18 PM

Faith thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it! I don’t know if I can message directly on here. If you could email me I’d really like to talk more about this.


Commented on 💟🥰♌️

Jun 15 at 07:31 PM

Faith, I wanted to reach back out in Regards to the comment you made on my post the other day. I can’t find a way to message you directly, but I’m really interested in talking with you about readings and more. How can I get in touch with you? Would you like me to comment my email or something?

Jun 07 at 03:55 PM

Lisa Johnson I completely spaced on that. That makes total sense. Thank you for the comment!


Feb 02 at 01:21 PM

I am very new to all of this so maybe a group for people like me to ask random/niave questions without being laughed at or judged due to our lack of knowing..?

Feb 02 at 01:15 PM

I think a channel for people to find and connect with others in the same state/area would be nice. Maybe broken out into subgroups by state?


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Dec 21 at 06:21 PM

I am a new member and love everything I am learning so far! Can someone please tell me if the live event Jason talked about at roughly 59:30of the video was recorded so I can watch? The Law for Mankind free Q&A that was on May 25th? Thank you