Caylub Hayes

Lincoln, NE, United States

Jun 17 at 11:18 PM

Faith thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it! I don’t know if I can message directly on here. If you could email me I’d really like to talk more about this.


Commented on 💟🥰♌️

Jun 15 at 07:31 PM

Faith, I wanted to reach back out in Regards to the comment you made on my post the other day. I can’t find a way to message you directly, but I’m really interested in talking with you about readings and more. How can I get in touch with you? Would you like me to comment my email or something?

Jun 07 at 03:55 PM

Lisa Johnson I completely spaced on that. That makes total sense. Thank you for the comment!



Jun 07 at 01:02 AM

This is a question for all of you, Jason. and the UNIFYD team. I wanted to hear your thoughts on an idea I had. What do you think on creating a portal or section on Unifyd where we can look up Psychic Mediums, Remote Viewers, etc that are vetted by your team and are local to us? Maybe with an interactive map like Unifyd Healing has for all the EES locations. I really feel strongly that I need to book a session, but I am so hesitant because I don't want to get scammed by people trying to take advantage of others. I think this would be a great addition. Thoughts? Thank you


Feb 02 at 01:21 PM

I am very new to all of this so maybe a group for people like me to ask random/niave questions without being laughed at or judged due to our lack of knowing..?

Feb 02 at 01:15 PM

I think a channel for people to find and connect with others in the same state/area would be nice. Maybe broken out into subgroups by state?



Jan 04 at 01:19 PM

I feel stupid for asking this question because I feel like I should already know the answer but here I am. When it comes to drinking water, what is the best/healthiest brand to buy from the store? I’ve always went with Ice Mountain spring water but wanted to here from you all. Thanks



Jan 03 at 10:47 AM

Is there a way to view the history or timeline of all the videos I've watched on UnifydTV? Or a filter to see all that I've watched? Thank you for the assistance!



Dec 29 at 09:01 PM

Hello to all you amazing people! I am pretty new to the Unified world. Is there anyone in Nebraska on here that I could connect with? I would love to hear from you. Have a great night and a safe new year!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Dec 21 at 06:21 PM

I am a new member and love everything I am learning so far! Can someone please tell me if the live event Jason talked about at roughly 59:30of the video was recorded so I can watch? The Law for Mankind free Q&A that was on May 25th? Thank you