Shane Vogt

Jan 14 at 07:12 AM

999 idk how welcoming i would be at first haha, its a scary thought


Jan 13 at 05:31 PM

999 looks more like a gray from the outline, my experience def wasnt a regular one, no shapeshifting stuff, just a croc walking upright in pennsylvania woods in the middle of winter


Jan 13 at 05:10 PM

put me undercover ill find these sick bastards


Jan 13 at 07:20 AM

999 theres definitely somethin there


Jan 12 at 05:14 PM

999 theyre on the run, in the outskirt little towns like mine is where they hide now and use the woods for cover....i saw one when i was hunting as a kid, looked like a crocodile walking upright, scared the hell out of me, ill never forget that day


no book to read or memorize for years and years, its like a new religion in a 6 part series

Jan 12 at 04:13 PM

999 omg dont even get me started on the reptilians, if i see one of them things again im movin


Jan 12 at 05:14 AM

999 idk, i finished the bashar documentary, maybe itll be peaceful like that, we can only hope we dont have a war of the worlds scenario


Jan 11 at 04:33 PM

999 i didnt gey through the whole thing yet i just started watching it, but it makes sense, intelligent life doing a test run before making contact


Jan 11 at 02:19 PM

i call bullshit on a teen fight for sure, thats an awful lot of cops, plus the guys stuttering indicates something traumatic ensued, i couldnt tell by the video but i think theyre definitely covering up whatever happened
