Shane Vogt

Jan 11 at 01:39 PM

miami alien? got more info? im interested

Jan 11 at 10:16 AM

hes right, i was warned too, my first memory was when i was 3, i remember my soul being recycled before i was sent here

Jan 10 at 08:45 AM

Cate ive never feared death, never believed in it honestly, i remember being sent here as weird as it may sound, i cant afford no bunker either haha but we do have tunnels here in pennsylvania built off of old mineshafts and caves that ive found


Jan 10 at 05:11 AM

i dont either but shit, what are we supposed to do? america has to know its coming


Jan 09 at 06:28 PM

nah id never say ur crazy, ghosts listen to me im the crazy one lmao and theyre probably trying to get an important message to you, try thinking about it before you goto sleepbor takebsome melatonin, that stuff always helps me remember my dreams, thats where the message would go

Jan 09 at 03:28 PM

the crow represents life after death in the movie, or the third eye on the game of thrones, i see a blue jay all the time even in the winter so maybe they are trying to send you a message

Jan 03 at 08:21 PM

Diane Beilstein they were the first ti comment

Jan 03 at 08:12 PM

Diane Beilstein it has they are following my post

Jan 03 at 06:08 PM

no they wouldnt bother because they are so upset with the abbott, overall they took about $100,000 of gifts and family heirlooms from him, and yes its on youtube, luckily we got to hold our own funeral at home first, thank you for looking into things i greatly appreciate it

Jan 03 at 04:56 PM

Diane Beilstein i dont believe in coincidences so he must be a distant cousin or something, the name sounds eerily familiar