Sherry schillaggi

Feb 10 at 09:02 PM

If the awareness of the collective is on the negative, then that’s all we’re going to get is the negative. That’s where I’m coming from as far as low of attraction.


Jul 20 at 02:43 AM

There is a song I heard since I was young but just now, took something from it. By Jesus Jones: Right Here Right Now. In that song they say many things that now makes my heart sing and makes me smile. One piece: “you know it feels good to be alive”. Another: “Right here right now, there is no ther place I want to be.” “Right here Right Now, WATCHING THE WORLD WAKE UP FROM HISTORY!” WOW how powerful is that?! I’m not completely sure what the song is all about but that is what I got from it, that they new.

Jun 12 at 01:07 AM

@Ashely Monique….That is a great way to look at it. Approach it from the perspective of just observing. I’m still working on that, trying to not take it in as a low vibration. Thank you!



Jun 11 at 10:55 PM

Ok, I know UNIFYDs intent is not to spread fear and I really like UNIFYD and I’m a member. But my concern and question is about all the negative things either happening or that will happen. Don’t we get more of what we think of? If we are constantly seeing all of the negative things that can happen then we think about it and then so create more of it by default. I’m not saying that we should walk around with blinders on either, but I would love to see more positive from TLS and Shurka. I love Shurka’s positive messages and teachings, would love to see more. We are creators of our own reality’s so what what we see, consume, and or think about the most, we create.


May 28 at 12:01 AM

Guidance, beginning, relations


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May 14 at 10:57 PM

I would like to hear more

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May 14 at 10:55 PM

That’s it? Where’s the rest of it?

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May 14 at 10:50 PM

Very positive, love it!

May 14 at 03:22 PM

Powerful, Gratitude, Alignment, and Breakthrough! Wow awesome!

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May 14 at 01:20 PM

Gerry thank you 🙏 a wonderful soul