

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jan 27 at 08:59 AM

Responding to ds, comment the light has already won her mother father God would not allow someone to use light source in bad intention

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jan 27 at 08:55 AM

Lamarion palladians arcturians Andromeda and it's this year we go to 5th d. Light language is what they're calling the wind it's light language Angel language universal language

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jan 27 at 08:42 AM

I'm here

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 01:12 AM

Philadelphia experiment

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 12:51 AM

My soul has been here from the beginning of this planet


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 12:50 AM

Someone get a hold of me,we need to speak.tell dude don't be really to speak now .do you understand

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 12:16 AM

Dna is being activated in every one.some faster than others

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 12:14 AM

Codes are coming down in the solar flares the beams of light. Everything on the planet is receiving them and higher and higher doses


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 16 at 12:09 AM

I will

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 15 at 11:56 PM

Boy oh boy I can tell you something s