
Replied on The Great Awakening

Apr 19 at 12:08 PM

I belief there is truth to all religions.

And the one thing they call have in common is love.

So personally , I call the source of our creation , “LOVE”. I practice kindness and nature is my church .

I gain power within and attract prosperity by all of those things


Much love beautiful souls

Replied on The Great Awakening

Apr 19 at 12:05 PM

And here we have it folks a person example of what the world order wants. A reason for us to bicker and fight and keep us seperated. The bible has been rewritten my man over and over so it can create power over people as they fight over the name of the source of our creationYou guys are acting like sheep instead of lions and you don’t even see it. How about this for religion. It’s one source with a hundred different nicknames and ways to practice and connect to it. The creation of source is love and it doesn’t care what you wanna call it or how you choose to connect to its divine power. So instead of debating about who’s right or who’s wrong understand everyone is right and nobody is wrong as to what they feel is true to them! Arguing over something that isn’t based off facts but instead of belief? How can any of us say what happens or where we go after death when you have to die first in order to experience it? Religion was created to keep us apart by fighting.


Commented on The Great Awakening

Apr 19 at 11:47 AM

So the solution to this problem is obvious . All involved with “The world economic forum” & it’s supporting participants need to he exterminatedA massacre of these people this small group of people who have power of the billions of people that make up our world must happen so we the people can take our power back. So we can be free and not controlled. A different military must be formed. A military that is composed of soldiers from all countries of our world, from different places, from different walks of life, all races, genders, cultural backgrounds, and way of life. This group will be the group that represent We the people. The sooner all these people“comes together” and form this army. This army will devise a plan that wipes out members either all at once or individually until it no longer stands. Until this falls we don’t stand a chance. We the people have to finally come together because there is more of us then them! THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MUST BE DESTROYED to save humanity.
