Mary gomes

Dos Palos, CA, United States

Sep 20 at 04:51 AM

Brilliant! Excellent unbiased unfiltered reporting. God speed and keep this man safe on his journey of truth. Yes I always  knew there were lies upon lies. Its funny how if you just sit back and take your own emotions and beliefs out of the equation you can see a pattern. Almost like connecting dots or a cascade of events. Putin is painted in a certain way shade  here in the US and I could never understand why they would not show all of his address to his country 😉 ( had to dig ) There is dirt on all sides but I am tire of them painting us the white knights. It's time to look beyond what "they" tell us and for humanity to be grounded in solidarity.


Sep 20 at 03:25 AM

This is amazing.. I'm hooked and I don't mind. I was split screening and googling what Dennis was saying about prepping...😆❤️💡

Sep 20 at 03:18 AM

Wow cant wait.👍

Aug 11 at 11:49 PM

Parasites please! This seems to be a widespread issue I went back and watched watched the water and it is my thinking is that this is what they were doing at the water treatment centers for population control but it is just a theory. On social media platforms I see more people asking about parasites and the condition of their stool. With the decline in nutrition through our food and resources as well as all the chemicals being introduced to our bodies I think it's an important discussion to have as many people in the states are unaware of just how typical these parasites can be and what we can do to rid our bodies of them. It almost seems as if they are on steroids lately. Me and my children have not been able to get rid of them since we've contracted them nothing short of a super strong chemical that's prescribed to you can get rid of them and lo and behold they have band many parasite medicines recently in the US.


Jul 30 at 09:02 AM

Me and my children can't get rid of our parasites and the doctor literally thinks I'm a whack job but I see them. My baby's dad has seen them as well. We've gone in to get tested and it keeps coming up negative. They will not give us abendazole and we can't afford to go to the eesystem all the time. Although I will say after a 5 hour session I had a regular still (sorry probably TMI) something I hadn't experienced for months, but slowly it can back. Does anyone have any suggestions?



Jul 24 at 11:25 PM

Please help us if you can.. or share. We really need it. Thank you. Been to infinite energetics to EE system just haven't been able to afford it and we are all still very much sick.

Apr 29 at 08:10 PM

He's on the ballot in California!!!!


He made the ballot in California!!!!

Apr 29 at 07:56 PM

Amazing stuff!!! Thank you Unifyd team for all you do. Learned a lot in a short amount of time. Highly recommend for those who can join the plus. Jason is super transparent with where your donations go and also alll your funding goes into expansion to help spread light and love across our planet.


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Apr 28 at 01:53 PM