Apr 26 at 10:51 PM

Kimberly Just start small and remember there's no right or wrong way to do things. Do what feels right to you, in your heart and inner being, not your head. Honestly I just started expressing gratitude everyday even for the simplest of things like waking up. I listened to Collective Soul's first album since I love music and it seemed to inspire me in some way to be better. Not for others but for myself. I can honestly say since I started that practice, it has expanded and giving me more depth in understanding The human condition and how we are here to help each other not hurt each other. I can honestly say that my life has changed just by shifting one area of my life.


Apr 26 at 10:41 PM

Now that I'm thinking of it if you watch political speeches and public announcements etc watch all of their body language. The unspoken word can speak volumes if you're just paying attention. Literally they all have the same mannerisms they hold their hands the same their eyes are blank and void of any spark or light completely shells of those who once embodied those vessels. Mind control people and if things keep going in the direction that they're headed we won't be able to even meet our basic needs of providing food to our families or having access to our money or do anything without permission. Sadly it's already started in Canada and other areas on the other side of the world. Frankly ifI were asked what do you need your money for I would play dumb for a minute. Then I would say excuse me oh didn't I tell you??? No??? Well I guess it's none of your f****** business then is it??? It's time to build our own houses grow our own food live off the grid and in small communal areas...


Apr 26 at 10:31 PM

In my humble opinion AI is the mark of the devil and created to be our downfall. Make us obsolete. I believe they are holograms of actual people cowering like little scared wussies that don't want to be held accountable for their actions because, yes nautical they know s*** is coming down and they're trembling in fear. MARK MY WORDS.. their seats will be creased from their ass puckering so hard when the hammer 🔨 of Justice comes down with a vengeance. Unjust treatment complete violations of Rights and cruel and unusual punishment must stop now! Enough is enough! I ain't conforming to s*** so it is what it is...


Apr 26 at 10:24 PM

Yeah nautical it is a computer generated block due to not wanting certain information getting leaked to the public. I received one about a month ago that I have NEVER seen before. Basically you like an AI message telling me to not request access again or something of that nature. Nah not going to robot mode EVER.. I'LL BLOW THIS WHOLE PLANET UP BEFORE I F****** CONFORM..

Pyramid scheme huh??? Yeah that s***'s always been a scam just saying...

Apr 26 at 10:13 PM

I'm sorry it's not a human you're right.. it is the puppet Masters behind the scenes pulling the strings

Apr 26 at 07:00 PM

Also I'm curious to know WHO said that ALL walking this planet are HUMANS??? There are many different realms and dimensions that most are afraid to contemplate or even accept but Truth All The same.


Apr 26 at 06:48 PM

Last but not least as far as the cosmos changing, I personally believe that to be true. Truer than anything that the media presents to us. The universe is alive and conscious and creating infinitely. The 3D realm is a simulation, the 4D realm is purgatory, and the 5D and beyond is a work in progress as we speak. All is a matter of perception so tell me what do YOU see in your personal experiences? My inquiring mind wants to know 🤔🤔🤔

Apr 26 at 06:43 PM

Now on the issue of climate change. Very interesting subject indeed. We humans are to blame for many reasons. Isn't it ironic that 70% of our earth's surface is water yet we produce water and plastic bottles that threaten the very species of the ocean? And what about HARP? A man-made instrument to control our weather so therefore is there such a thing as a natural disaster? Control manipulation illusion is the world we live in not reality. As far as the landing on the moon, yes I believed that was staged as is all the news released to the public. FAKE UNAUTHENTIC. PERIOD. POINT. BLANK.


Apr 26 at 06:40 PM

Hello Jason and fellow Unified TV viewers. First flat Earth concepts and now is the moon even real? Well let me ask you if the moon was not real then how can you explain how it's influences from thousands of light years away can influence the tectonic plates of our oceans? Furthermore the Moon is connected to cycles, not only astrologically but also on the human level particularly with women. Read into that as you will cuz I don't want to get into too much detail about that but also think of our Gregorian calendar. Also a cycle that was intended to be 13 months with 28 days each.