Everything around us has messages unique to each of our individual journeys. Yes small pieces of the puzzle that collaboratively make the full picture...


Now that we're talking about opening our eyes 👀, I recall a post I don't know a week or so ago asking for recommendations of movies etc that you may be interested in highlighting. I'm not quite sure that it's something that you would want to publish on here however, it is a very enigmatic production. EYES WIDE SHUT with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. I'm not sure why that I channeled this but now that I'm more awakened I want to rewatch it to fully interpret it since after many views it still leaves me wondering what the concept was... 🤔🤔🤔


Apr 26 at 06:12 PM

Just as a little extra insight into the healing properties of these three crystals. Amethyst is probably the strongest calming Stone as well as operas protection purification and enhances spirituality. Jade is also associated with protection and spiritual purification believed to absorb negative energy and promote emotional healing. This includes a calming effect on the mind and emotions reducing anxiety and stress. Most interestingly is it's believed to allow both the cellular and skeletal systems to rebind themselves and assists in the removal of pain. Last but not least rose quartz is very useful in matters of love and compassion and forgiveness. Basically if you're struggling in any of these areas I would recommend implementing them into not only spiritual showers but also just carry them on your person and a bond with them to fully appreciate the power of crystals.

Apr 26 at 06:04 PM

You are very welcome my beautiful ladies and I appreciate your kind comments. Much mutual love and respect and I am welcome to hear your input on each of your results. What works for one does not necessarily work for another so I'm just curious. 🐝 well 🐝 blessed my sisters 🫶🫶🫶

Slow and steady wins the race.. in rememberemce of the Tortoise and the Hare tale. Truths are all around us we just need to have our eyes open and pay attention.

Apr 20 at 09:29 PM


Apr 20 at 07:02 PM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ this might get deep so I apologize I'm just trying to understand the foundation of the totality of it all. First off it is very obvious that you have a very powerful energy and/or knowledge that obviously is being blocked in the worst way. My first question for you would be, have you ever delved into the Ouija board or witchcraft, light or dark, or anything of that nature? Additionally, have you been associated with anybody that are into those matters? I really need you to think as well as you can to try to pinpoint when you noticed these things occurring. I'm just trying to break it all down step by step to try to help you out okay? Going into it too deeply without all the details is just going to be more confusing for both of us so please bear with me I will wait to hear back from you


Apr 20 at 06:51 PM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ OMG my friend.. my heart aches for what you're going through and as far worse than my personal experience with these entities / attachments. However I fear that was probably my fate had I not met the person that saved me from them. Things I have learned since I was with him is he must have practiced very high magic to be able to accomplish removing them from me. I know this cuz I have not had any thing like that since that time and it's crazy how I could just feel that they were gone. Before I get into some of the things I'm getting out of what you're saying I just want to say that I do totally agree with you that people should not profit from services to assist with issues like this. I have gifts that I would love to share with the world and I know that it is my gold mine for success but I wouldn't expect payment if that makes sense. Just to help others not how to experience things I've endured would be reward enough for me honestly.


Apr 20 at 05:14 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I apologize I wasn't trying to ignore your question I assure you. Sometimes when I want to speak about subjects that I'm not supposed to I will get blocked ie, Internet issues, phone not cooperating etc. In my case, I had met a spiritual man, only one ever at that time, that was aware of them the very first night we ever spent together. All the things I thought I was just crazy about were in fact real; I couldn't sleep at night, couldn't hang any part of my body off the edge of the bed because they were trying to pull me under, my cat would hiss and go off in crazy ways in a effort to protect me I believe. I could only sleep in between my children after the sun came up. All I know is he did some kind of ritual with a protection circle and went on the ethereal plane and fought hard to banish them. I could do some research and let you know what I find out my friend


Apr 20 at 04:53 PM

♥︎999♥︎ Yes return to Mother Earth's embrace so she may return it in due time..
