Apr 20 at 03:05 PM

♥︎999♥︎ it was probably infused with an entity when it was given to you. We must be very careful of the things that we accept from others who claim they want to "gift"us something. My first intuition would be to smash it to smithereens with a hammer or something but I don't like to destroy elements that are from our beautiful Earth. Personally I would try burying it in the earth herself for a few days. When you retrieve it it seems like you can feel energy so I suggest after a few days evaluate it again then and proceed accordingly.


Apr 19 at 10:55 PM

I have been being antagonized by an entire community for the last 2 years, literally gang-stalked spiritually. They all think they're witches and warlocks and are going to take me out with their petty little spells, smearing my name, sending in ops, and stripped me of my vitality. What I do is cleanse my energy regularly, 2 or 3 times a day if necessary, with sage or Palo Santo. I let them know that no negative energies or entities are allowed in my sacred space nor are they welcome here. They are banished back to from whence they came immediately followed by transmuting any lingering sensation with love, light, and positive energy. Always also ask for help from source or whatever it is that is in the spiritual realm that assists you. In severe cases, these entities need to be handled on the ethereal plane. I once had 3 VERY malevolent ones attached to me that tormented me every single night for about 6 months. Thought I was going crazy but trust me it was very real.

Apr 19 at 10:35 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I love plants and basically nature in general. As with the physical body it is a direct reflection of our mentality. For example if you look around you and everything is dark and gloomy and disorganized and just chaotic, there's a lot going on that needs to be addressed and healed. On the flip side of this, when you clear the clutter, the world is bright, vibrant, more colorful. I have proven this with my plants as well. When I was early on in my Awakening, I had a strict routine of chakra meditation in the morning, gratitude music, positive affirmation, and a good old healthy dose of listening to Collective Soul. I love music so I would actually sing to my plants as I misted them, danced around the room, an energy exchange. I would actually use my hands to feel their energy and they would actually vibrate in response and actually move to touch my hand. Sounds crazy but it's very true. Human touch has been proven to affect babies especially and reflection🪞of their demeanor...


Apr 19 at 10:18 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I think I got it at 5 Below; a little store in Utah & Nevada that has various things $5 or under. Not sure how widespread they are so maybe check into it. I also found an awesome book on crystals and how to use them in your spiritual transformation. I'm planning on composing that into one of my creative projects since I truly believe in using the elements of earth in my everyday life.


Apr 19 at 08:02 PM

My actual shower head actually contains healing crystals ie, Amethyst, Jade, and Rose Quartz

Apr 19 at 08:00 PM

I take "spiritual showers"🚿as well😜 Different ritual although same concept


Apr 19 at 07:36 PM

When you walk in light, it illuminates the darkness in others that they are not willing to accept so it is very common that they will attack on a personal level. Hence we have projection...

Apr 19 at 07:33 PM

Universal Interconnectedness


Apr 19 at 07:31 PM

The recycled multiple souls of self so, yes, Self-God is a good way to define it. After all, aren't we the ones that actually do the footwork and make things happen???

Apr 19 at 07:27 PM

My belief is that everything we think, write, or even speak about, has the power to manifest. Perfect example of why it's so imperative to keep a positive mindset. Also one cannot TRY anything; we either do or don't. It's that simple truly...