Beautiful interpretation of a true Starseed✨💥 ON this Earth🌍, not FROM this Earth 👽👾


May 24 at 05:59 PM

This speaks to me on multiple different levels and dimensions. I appreciate you sharing sister ⚡ 🌙 ✨🌇 🌧️ 🌈🫂🚗🗣️📚 🎶 🏡


May 24 at 05:51 PM



May 24 at 03:30 PM

UNIFYD TV A NEW AGE ENTHUSIAST IS DEFINITELY ME! I feel a strong magnetic pull to ancient civilizations particularly, Egypt, I personally am very intuitive and psychic, I have had personal experiences with alien 👽 phenomenon, I work with herbs and crystals to utilize their healing energies, with Reiki being my next area of exploration since I truly do believe in the power of healing with our mere hands. As for conspiracy theories? Absolutely interested in that kind of stuff because I personally feel it goes way deeper than any of us, or very few of us rather, can truly comprehend. I just have a real problem with people in powerful positions hiding behind their masks and utilizing every avenue comprehensible to control, and divide, and poison us all. This madness MUST stop, and WILL, if we all pull together and stand up for ourselves once and for all. WE THE PEOPLE right?


May 23 at 09:37 PM

I actually missed that one but it sounds very interesting so definitely will be checking it out 👍 Yes I have personally noticed since I have been working on keeping my chakras balanced that my spirituality has really started becoming more rapid fire and in tune. Thank you for sharing this information.


May 23 at 09:32 PM

Jess Thank you so much for your kindness sister; it is so appreciated 🫂 I completely understand about the trust issues that is why I warn anybody to avoid giving their personal information to just anybody because truly it can be used against you. Especially nowadays and I feel it is my responsibility to put it out there for others to be aware of. It's just sad to me because whatever gifts we are blessed with they are meant to be shared not used for our own selfish needs. I really want to get an online business going in the community of spirituality although I have a hard time with the concept of charging people money and materializing on it. It is my belief that when you follow your purpose you will be rewarded by the Universe for what you're putting out if that makes sense. As for the astrologyreadingsonline source I gave you, there is a trick to get it to be accurate so if you have any problems let me know. Once again thank you so much Jess for your sincere kindness. Much love to you and yours 🫶🫶🫶

May 22 at 11:05 PM

Walking towards us with this dead set intention in his eyes coming straight towards us. We looked at each other and we're kind of scared, you know, it's like what the f is going on? 😲 How's we're tripping out trying to figure this s*** out, all of a sudden, he walked out of our view, obscured behind the pine tree that was in front of us, all the while our hearts are just racing💗 💗 not annoying what is coming for us. As he came out of you from behind the tree, it was a completely different person. He look like a homeless man; looking down, and doing the Thorazine shuffle, oblivious to his surroundings. A shapeshifter I now understand.. word of advice pay attention to your surroundings


May 22 at 11:00 PM

I personally would define that as a group hallucination; in the dream state. Obviously there are messages there for you and your in-law to pay attention to. Sit with it, marinate with it, and ask whatever you believe in above to help you fully understand. I never believed in a group hallucination until one night, my son's girlfriend and I were sitting outside smoking a cigarette. As we're talking, we both looked at each other as we heard footsteps approaching us and both know the familiar sound of a police officer approaching. You know how their belt,with all their weapons rub against it with every step they take and the sound of their boots impacting the Earth? Scarier than that is we both saw him

May 22 at 10:52 PM



May 22 at 10:40 PM

Charity Hawk I would love nothing more than to help you with understanding your birth chart. It would be my pleasure. However, giving people this sensitive information can be used against you if those you're giving it to know what they're doing with that information. Basically it can harm you in the long run if they have ill intentions. Trust me I know sister. Same goes with your hair, jewelry you wear, crystals, your picture, or anything that has your essence within it. It can be used against you cuz people skilled in these crafts can see your future. I recall seeing 8:22 p.m. however that is not enough information for me to do anything because there's no birthplace. Trust me sister, River chart is a blueprint to your life's purpose. Please let me know if I can help you any further. Much love and respect; be 🐝 well, be 🐝 blessed🫶
