May 22 at 10:31 PM

So Charity.. close your eyes and imagine this. Take both of your hands and form a circle with your fingers. It makes a whole right? Sure it does. Evaluate it deeper though. So this is your relationship with others; it just keeps going round and round, about trying to control the other and have dominance over their life together. Now, former circle with your middle finger and thumb of each hand. Join them together in the middle. What do you see? Two wholes becoming one; equally yoked creating Infinity. The moral of the story is, if we are not complete inside ourselves, before coming into Union with another, there will always be a power struggle. So, love yourself first, don't chase, attract those who are meant for you on every level.


May 22 at 10:17 PM

Charity Hawk I apologize for ranting on but this whole thing about poison humanity with medication pisses me off. So moving on to the Twins. As I previously stated this is a sign of Gemini. The twins of the zodiac. So many people in the spiritual Community nowadays are held up on this whole "twin flame" phenomenon. I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but not every person on this planet is on a twin flame journey. It is very rare; and very difficult to have done the internal work to get to that point. What I have learned personally, a twin flame journey is basically falling in love with yourself; meaning you must balance both the masculine and feminine energy within yourself. It is not about another person, it's about you. This reminds me of an analogy that I wrote about love.


May 22 at 10:10 PM

Charity Hawk 😔 there should be no comparison between males and females at any age. I was just trying to express how the state of Utah made me put my son on Ritalin at 7 years old. Yay..NOT 🚫 yeah sure give my child a cocktail amphetamines and set him up for failure as he becomes addicted over the years and then turns to other substances due to not having the insurance to maintain his SO SICK OF SOCIETY SAYING WE SHOULD POISON OUR CHILDREN FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR EXPECTATIONS. I'M SO OVER IT


May 22 at 10:04 PM

Charity Hawk We are all Brothers and SISTERS of the CREATOR 💖 💖 no it is not all that you resonate with the things that I said because I speak truth and it is my goal to help people. Nothing in life is Black or White; we all must learn to live in the gray area which is a now, the present moment. That is where magic happens 🪄 ADHD in my humble opinion, is just a terminology that doctors and society use as a means to control our children. I have had both a daughter and a son. In my personal experience, boys are more hyper, girls are more intellectual.


May 21 at 10:50 PM

Tanya we need REAL people in this world.. not the devil and his friends who are all liars


May 21 at 10:49 PM

Tanya back at ya👍 I'm just so tired of spiritual fakes being all over our platforms it's ridiculous


May 21 at 10:46 PM

Tanya 🫂

May 21 at 10:45 PM

Tanya you my friend are correct


May 21 at 10:42 PM

May 21 at 10:41 PM

Tanya please accept my apology. That whole rant was meant for Wendy not you baby.
