
Vancouver, Canada

Apr 02 at 07:17 AM

Please don't be shy to msg me. I'm mind is open, my heart is pure. I'm always down to or Mike Solo on fb


Apr 02 at 07:15 AM

Mussi cho !!!


♥︎999♥︎ if it's a story than it's definitely fiction...

♥︎999♥︎ I've trained my mine to take it where it needs to be, if I'm sad, I distract it to be happy...if I'm in a situation I'm uncomfortable I get comfortable in my mind so nobody sees me uncomfortable. Lots of my brain training was meditation. And not knowing what I was actually doing. Now I do it in a quiet, peaceful setting...sometimes in nature. Listening to the wind, I love it....

♥︎999♥︎ I really jus started my meditation, and I've.dealt with sleep paralysis, in 2001. I started controlling my dreams or so I thought that's what it was. Till one time. I couldn't wake up. I see myself sleeping and than my mom came to see me again. Everytime she did. She didn't say anything. But stand there and smile....I'd go by her but only remember a glimpse....what I got from it, was she could see I opening it up, I've always lived by 3 things. 1. I'm here for a higher purpose 2. Where all here for a reason. 3. How do u beat crazy,...with crazier. So in order to beat or overcome something, do it but do it better. Because growing up. I had no fear to leave my foster home and go live elsewhere. And still not feel it. I couldn't ever find my comfort zone or home....realizing. this isn't my true home. It's out there. I've wanted to see a ghost or spirit.Or anything like that. Butike I said.Something or someone, is watching now. I'm calm, I'm chill. I feel the monster in me

This I know. Some don't understand the warnings. And that's definitely one. I understand. I've been at it. For a bit. But I still alot to go. I've been fortunate enough to be here. I've had a not so good up bringing in the case I've played with Fire when I was younger and didn't beleive. But apart of me was always saying. Don't do it. And ingo it. But something is watching me, Making sure I've made it thus far. My real mom passed away from cancer. I use to say. My mom came to see me in my dreams, I'd wake up in tears. Even in this realm, I've done some stuff that I really shouldn't have and yet....I've lost like 10 of my closet people. 3 in the last few months. And I've began to ask why them. I'm out here doing dirt in the street and there being good with everything...but I'm still here....why? Than....I've opened a path in my head that now I see, it's not why them....but why me....I see others and can tell shit about them. I can feel the vibration before I sleep...

Commented on Seems interesting

Apr 02 at 04:50 AM

I absolutely looooove this GIF. Such a powerful msg that this world needs to see and feel and understand <3

Commented on Seems interesting

Apr 02 at 04:49 AM

Trust Love in One Another.....Love will always win. We're all Earth's Children. We all bleed one Color. Trust It and The Light Will Shine. No more being divided. We're all one ❤️

Apr 02 at 04:47 AM

As a kid and teen, I've always told myself. I'm here for a bigger purpose, Were all here for a reason.

Apr 02 at 04:46 AM

Yesssss. Me toooo, I've always asked myself that. I use to put my anger first, and hate.'s like. Love almost controls my life but I want eeeevryone to feel this. We all deserve it. ❤️love will shine through any dark in your life, as long as u put it first and give everyday and thank everyday and LOOOVE EVERYDAY. ❤️ your body will show u what u need to do. Jus know that love will prevail ❤️trust it. You won't be disappointed