
Vancouver, Canada

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 22 at 03:13 PM

Josh Rogers dayum, sorry to had to see that. But you were shown that for a reason. It's time to do what your put here to do. I beleive in you like I beleive in every other one of us. You cannot let that go untold. Find the write person(Jason Shurek) and ask them what u should do about it. Pretty sure they already know but tell them and ask what u must do. Now find love. Meditate. Find Your inner peace and let everyone know why its time for all to wake up and unify. I don't think telling the police will help. That time of operation don't operate without someone knowing it's happening, Especially the po-po.

Divided We Fall, Unites We Fly. ❤️


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 22 at 11:34 AM

Yeah I can definitely tell when someone is telling the truth. Jus off there energy they give off....i wanna learn more....


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Feb 22 at 04:36 AM

We are definitely all one. ,

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 18 at 10:19 PM

Whatever you all decide to do, don't only do it for you. Do it for Our children and your neighbour's children, your competitions children, But our children are our future ❤️ I love all you beleivers ❤️ and REMEMBER,





Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 18 at 05:52 PM

(Sa) Ra H Jennifer Reyes

Divided We Fall, United We Fly

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Feb 18 at 06:11 AM

He's the one that opened the portal at Bayside to retrieve the devise. Think about what he explains. He was on a mission to retrieve a device at some place, where he was able to use his super natural powers, the he mentioned the team that backed him was a young mossad team. That was the "Young kida playing with fireworks and looting" and they had to dress and use something accordingly, There were "cops" out sideman, who were the mossad backing him...against The Shady manipulative government....yes it all made sense to me as soon as he explained the mission. We all need to unite, meditate, cleansen and start using what we all in us. Unlock it and and use what we got nonstop. Ive always always had the sense of the something more. I've had 4 out of body experiences. 2 felt like i wasnt gunna make it back. So I beleive I need a guide. Alot of what Ray and maskedman444 made sense to me...bottom line is, We all know the government is corrupted, manipulative. And shaaady.....


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Feb 17 at 06:01 PM

At 34:00, he's talking about Bayside. TO WHOEVER SEES THIS. LETS GO !!!!