
Vancouver, Canada

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Mar 19 at 05:42 PM

They tried to rid of us all. In so many ways. But as u see in all humans. We are survivors and will continue to thrive in a hateful world. We understand tho, that there's racism in all human races. There's some of our ppl who have turned to hate and racism. Mostly because what they see. But I for one do not blame or hate them, I jus hope and pray that they see that we are all our fathers children. We all bleed the same color. We all need good food to nourish our body and souls. We all need love to fill our hearts, our world and be rid of the hate and evil that has plagued our beautiful mother earth. That we all need the sun to give us light to energize our bodies. Clean water to help us thrive and grow. We all need each other to make sure humans will live like we once have, with love and open hearts. ❤️

Missing cho

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Mar 14 at 09:19 PM

I'm with you on this one ❤️ CANADA HERE !!!


Look at what people are doing to our planet. I wouldn't exactly be pleased either. So, LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE AND WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING TO US BEHIND OUR BACKS. We need to unite and not let these lies keep being told. I love you all ❤️ UNITY


Unacknowledged is the greatest treasure to the people of the world !!!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO WAYCH THIS !!!!!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Mar 13 at 05:05 PM

I know many of us are ready but we gotta realize, Some if us wouldn't be ready to see what we would see. Especially with kids. But I gotta say, I'm ready. I want it stopped. We all do. Enough of us being controlled. I'm sure there's some different movements around the world, that fight against the Dark, I would definitely be apart of it. But only if I feel I I can trust them. So, cleanse your body and be free of everything. Toxins, radiation, anything man made And remember, Dont sit and wait for them, Do you first 💕. I love you all who beleive and continue to do so, I'm proud of you. And will always think of u all. ❤️ ✌️ 🤝🧘‍♂️👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🗣👥️🫂❣️


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 13 at 01:43 PM

The word Continent is another word for Country....almost. like, North America, South America, Africa, or Australia. Right ? That's what we were taught in elementary lol

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 13 at 01:07 PM

Tina Weidner remember, we are all different but so much the same. I'm this case, U need to find what makes you happy. Mine was having kids. They changed me for the better. It hard and the hardest battle is yourself. We all beleive in you. It's to see that u do too ❤️


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Mar 13 at 12:47 PM

💯 % We Do !!!! ❤️

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Mar 13 at 12:45 PM

Karl Deimler find a Unifyd Healing Center near you

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Mar 13 at 12:44 PM

Michael Baska open a center or find a Unifyd Healing center near you ❤️ I hope u find what u need
