Tina Weidner

Wichita, KS, United States

An Old SouL_RARE BREED OF FEMALE TypeThatIsVeryHardToComeBy VeryFew&FarBetween,aLikeMe&itsVerySad!

Please Take Note I Did Not Re-Read This & Edit my mistakes before I posted it OKay So if I screwed up anywhere my apologies I just couldn't pre-read it because when I do I always end up fixing it & then I end up changing things up & it takes for ever & @times ill just End Up Erasing it All due to the fact i feel stupid about some of what ive written FAR Warning ⚠️ SO I FIGURE ID BE BETTER OFF JUST POSTING IT AS IS ↓minus Editing my mistakes1st!!

→ Hey Hi sorry to bother you question for you & 🤞 I pray you'll actually get back with me please either way ok please because I'm almost desperate to find anything that can help me get clean something other then rehab and something id be able to afford unlike ANR I wish I had the funds for that that or I Ibogaine unfortunately money is so far my problem and what's kept me from still using I have it I just am ASKING IF U HAVE FOUND ANY OTHER WAYS EVEN IF THEY TO COST A LOT OF $$ PLEASE IM JUST LOOKING FOR OPTIONS OTHER WAYS ANY WAYS THAT U MAY HAVE HURD WORK OR ANYONE ELSE IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS OR WHATEVER PLEASE. FEEL FREE TO TEXT KE EVEN CALL ID BE OPEN TO HEAR UR IDEAS OR JUST ANYTHING UD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT THAT HAS T9 DO WITH GETTING OFF OPIATES IF U KNOW OF A WAY I BEG YOU TO TEXT IR CALL ME THANK YOU 4 UR TIME I MAY SOUND desperate there idk I'm just hoping to hear back from somebody because truth be told I'm highly doubting I will hear from anyone I have never when I've left my contact info so far ive not gotten any reply so hopefully just maybe this time will be different who knows fingers crossed I am a very very kind hearted person I I'm an old soul I had a near death experience when I almost died few years back so I've had issues since then due to a TRAMTIC BRAIN injury BUT IM STILL ON IT IM NOT STUPID I JUST HAVE SOME ISSUES PEOPLE DONT SEE UNLESS THERE AROUND ME 4 A LONG TIME OR IF I TELL THEM THEN I TEND TO GET USED AND ALWAYS END UP GETTING M8ND FUCKED BECAUSE SO FAR IVE ONLY FOUND PEOPLE NOT GOOD FOR ME OR LIERS I HAVEN'T FOUND ANY GOOD PEOPL3 THAT ACTUALLY WANT ME TO DO GOOD AND CARE LIKE I DO THEM ITS MESSED UP & od course it always ends up hurting like here my last issue with someone that had told me he loved me 4 no bs 4 long years he got picked up by his dad & brother to go see his brother and spend some time with his mom and dad and right before he left and for weeks he had told me when I asked him if he was really coming back He said yes babe your tripping and so on and last he told me was he loved me and he was coming back in a few weeks ok now it's litterally been over a week since he's answered his phone he answered for the first few days but I haven't hurd shit from him he won't answer every time ive called & ITS REALLY A SCREWED UP SITUATION I CANT BELIEVE IT ITS LIKE IVE BEEN NOTHING TO HIM AND HES ONLY USED ME BASICALLY BUT IM WOW HES TOLD ME HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME AND HE WAS COMING BACK & yet I really thought to myself he really wasn't gonna be coming back I ASKED HIM LIKE 2 MAYBE EVEN 3 TIMES because he had known for few weeks they was gonna come pick him up because his dad had to go pick his brother up with was somewhat close too here so he knew he was going & ACTED LIKE HE WAS COMING BACK ALL ALONG AND THEN ONE DAY HE DECIDES NOT TO ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS AND TO JUST FUCK ME OFF it is kind of a mind fuk for. Me IT IS QUITE HARD FOR ME TO WRAP MY HEAD AROUND BECAUSE OF THE FACT I HAD ASKED HIM Why the hell couldn't he just tell me I just do not understand wtf why he thinks it is okay to just ACT AS 8F I DO NOT EXIST ANY MORE OUTTA THE BLUE ITS A TRIP 4 me yea BUT so be it im doing little better wiith it now. 4 the most part SO U SEE NOW ITS PRETTY MUCH JUST ME IN MY LIFE ME IVE GOT LIKE ONE FEIEND BUT NOW ALL THE EVIL AND BAD PEOPLE ARE GONE SO I JUST HOPE TO FIND MORE REAL PEOPLE WHY IS IT So HARD TO FIND GOOD PEOPLE ILL NEVER KNOW BUT I HOPE TO STUMBLE APON A HONEST KIND HEARTED PERSON I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE Badly!


Worst part is is that it was my heroin that she stoll from me before I even made it up to my room when I went to go visit my mom she got in my bag I left unattended for a short amount of time THEN COULD ONLY LIE ABOUT IT TRIED TO TELL me I musta forgot it and left it at home WOW UNBELIEVABLE I STILL FEEL Horrible she didn't overdose that same day it had been few days after I just still don't understand why my own sister couldn't if just asked me or anything I mean hell i would have at least showed her what to do to stay safe if she is doing that shit because I mean if she's doing it or if she's going to be doing it without me THEN THE WAY I SEEN IT IS THAT IT BE BEST IF I SHOW HER THE SAFEST WAYS TO DO THE SHIT RIGHT YES KNOWING I WONT BE AROUND HER ALL THE TIME so I can at least show her or tell her the best ways to do it to stay safe and to always make she she has narcan and she was around people that can make. Sure to save her if she did over does and so on she's still be here I MISS HER I LIVE HER I HATE THIS MY OWN TWIN SISTER MAN I FORGIVE HER THO God please I just want to get sober I just need help something to make the detox easier I DREAD DETOXING FROM FETYNAL THATS WHAT I DO last time I detoxed I was in jail so I was forced to it was HELL ACTUALLY IT 2AS ((EXCRUCIATING))is the right turm for detoxing with no meds or any to make it easier it's very EXCRUCIATING it was Hell so there for. Here I am still stuck and I've been to rehab a number of times and her I am still fucked up I WANT TO FIND A WAY OR SOMETHING TO HELP ME THAT 8 CAN AFFORD I AM WORTH IT I NEED HELP ANYONE PLEASE CALL ME OR TEXT ANY IDEAS ANY THOUGHTS PLEASE BE KIND I CANT DEAL WITH MUCH MORE HURT don't reply some cold hearted shit back i bwg you only reply if you can actually care to truly help a Beautiful soul truly good person I'ma sweet heart I care even when I shouldn't !! Thanks p.s. I did get carried away_316-226-0299 Tina·Kay·W. ~†K.~

Mar 11 at 09:37 PM

I'd love to hear your story stories =•] 316-226-0299

Mar 11 at 09:36 PM


Mar 11 at 09:36 PM

Yes I to am aware the guy leads us the right way it's hard at times to listen But I've learned it's the way Hello WOW your life sure sounds as if you've learned and studied so much for 20 years id love to be schooled or to sit with you and just listen to all you've came to understand and to see It sounds very interesting to me to hear wisdom is beautiful

Mar 11 at 09:26 PM

I am also in Wichita KS 316-226-0299 Shoot me a text sometime if love to connect with someone that has the same outlook on things & finding you on here is beyond ment to be possibly shall we? Lol id love to chat Hope To Hear From someone Close

Mar 11 at 09:21 PM

Wichita Kansas




Jan 04 at 06:23 AM

Im in Wichita KS


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 16 at 02:24 AM

I wanna see id love to see i know theres so much all around us im a believer in alot of things i think everything we could imagine is real even the scary freaky monster things itsll realistic I FEEL @LEAST AS IF ALMOST ANYTHING I CAN THINK OF IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE SO 2SPEAK id really to see what you are talking about please email me beautifulsweetness.mess@gmail.com

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 16 at 02:18 AM

Tina WeidnerThank You How longoes it take for me to Quit wanting it basically ?? How long did it take you