
Been Doing Research for the past 7 or years on what's been going on with Earth and Humanity.Very Disturing.


Feb 12 at 08:25 AM

How do I find People/Profiles to follow on this app?



Feb 11 at 09:41 AM

This is a Form of Germatria.A Cypher for Most of the World Languages.
The Human Body is a (Carbon 12) Based Life Form Consisting of,
1.(6 Protons)+
2.(6 Neutrons)+
3.(6 Electrons)=(18/1+8)=(9Soul)=
The Number (666) isn't really an Evil Number.They just want Humanity to Hate Themselves.See how the Number (618) Comes Together in the 3rd Sequence?As in the (Golden Ratio=1.618)=Is a Universal Symbol Representing Life.
The Reason the Catholic Church numbered the Beast (666) is Because their Turning Humanity into the Beast.The Covid-19 Virus was a Trojan Horse Hit to get the vaccine into Humanity.The Technical Term is
{Evolutionary Digression} Through
(={Generational Mutation}>--
The Vaccine is going to Interact with the {5G Internet Signal}=Has to be Shut Down.And Get off the Flouride so the
(Pineal Gland Activation) can Begin.Then the (DNA Activation) will Begin and Fix the Mutation.
It's all Designed to Accommodate the Human Body to Artificial Intelligence.
Chem Trails are also a part of this.Theres Alot More to this Subject.Yet,I don't think you'll believe it?
I call it,"The Unbelievable Truth."



Feb 10 at 04:40 PM

This is Cool.Pluto has a (Heart) on its Surface Also.


Feb 10 at 04:36 PM

I Thought this was Pretty Awesome.



Feb 10 at 04:34 PM

I'm on Her Side.



Feb 10 at 04:31 PM

The English Language along with Many Other World Languages can be De-Cyphered Through Germatria.Nikola Tesla Figured it out.


Feb 10 at 04:29 PM

They found a 1.8 Million Year Old Nuclear Reactor in Africa.See the Maze inside of it?Similar to the Electronic Maze?Then Teotiehocan in South America is almost Identical to the Layout of the Vatican Square.Theyve Been working on this Luciferian Transhumanism A.I. Agenda for a Long Time.Insectoid Species are Created through Evolutionary Digression through Generational Mutation.The De-Construction of the Source Genome is an Actual Evolutionary Process.I think the Adam and Eve Story was a fix for an Evolution Problem.


Feb 10 at 03:03 PM

This is on the Subject of
It's for the Most Part Correct.
Life Itself isn't the Illusion,the Power and Control
System is=
The Technical Term for the Archon is,
"Spectral Parasites."=
Light Feeders.
They Anchor in at the
(Solar Plexus Chakra) and
Ties into the
Central Nervous System.
The (Center/Core) of the
(Human Energy Field)
is the (Heart).
They use Negative Emotions of {Fear} and {Suffering} to {InVert} a Portion of the
(Human Energy Field)
into a substance called,"Loosh."=
You know when your in Really Deep Trouble and it Feels like your Heart is Sinking into your Stomach?That's a Loosh Drain.
Why they Anchor in at the
(Solar Plexus Chakra) to feed on the Loosh.
When the Archon Communicates with the Human Being it Sounds like
(Internal Dialogue).
(Internal Dialogue is when someone Talks to Themselves in Their Mind and They can Hear Their Thoughts within Their Mind.
If a Person Hears
{Internal Dialogue} within
Their Mind,Odds are More than likely it's an Archon.
Archon is a {Parasitical}+
{Neuro Network Hive Mind}=
Called the,"Demiurge."
It's a Hive Mind of
{Phsycopathic Personalities}.
It's taken over part of the
Grey and Draconian Species.
So if You do happen to Hear Un-initiated
{Internal Dialogue}
Don't Do what it says.
Just Ignore it.
All it wants is Your Fear and Suffering={Loosh}.
They use these Archon to Gangstalk Individuals also.
Don't "Be"lie"ve"
Anything it Says.
This is why Everything is Built Around Belief Systems Because Humanity is Easier to Manipulate within a
Belief System.
And I just learned that Some People Don't Know what Internal Dialogue is.
So they may Mistake the Communication of Archon as the Thought Process.
All those terrible thoughts Running Through Your Mind,Like Their Not Your
Is because their Not Your Thoughts.
It's a Dimensional Parasitical Phsycopathic Personality.
Some People May Identify the {Internal Dialogue} as God or a Guide and it may Even Help you and make you feel Special?
It's just Setting you up for a Big Fall.
I've Witnessed Archonic Attacks in National News Media I won't mention at this Time.Because some of them connect to past personal Childhood trauma of my own.
And Most would think I'm Crazy Anyway and I've had Enough of reading and hearing that.
The Archon Can Only Hurt You Through Other People.
I Spent 20 years Thinking I was Schizophrenic Untill I Started Doing the Research About 7 or 8 years ago.
It All Began with a Syncronistic Event in my front yard.
This is why Humanity has been in a Perpetual State of Warfare for a Long Time,
It's a Feeding Frenzy.
Stay Positive and Morally Sound and You'll Have Nothing to worry about.
The Archon can Posses an Individual if Their Vibration Gets to Low.And when the Entire Cell Block is Hating on an Empath,it can Happen,it Becomes to Overwhelming.
It Happened to me in Jail once.
I remember coming in and out of Contiousness while in their.
I spent about 30 days in there and Only Recall about a
Few Minutes.
When I Came to Contiousness I was Being dragged into the Court Room by 2 Guards.
I didn't even know why I was there.I couldn't keep my head up,so it hit the table in front of me.
The Judge thought that was pretty funny.
Then the Guard said,
"Should we get the
Smelling Salts."
Then the Judge said,
"Are you Going to do it again?"
And I just said,"No."
Not even knowing why I was there to begin with.
Then they dragged me back out and I lost Contiousness Again.The Last thing I remember was leaving Jail.
No Joking.


Best Kept Secret Trailer


Feb 10 at 10:26 AM

The Soul is the Mind of the Body.


Feb 09 at 02:45 PM

They just Planted these video clips in my photos app.Theyll probably come into play later when they do whatever it is their going to do to me?