
Been Doing Research for the past 7 or years on what's been going on with Earth and Humanity.Very Disturing.


Feb 15 at 01:03 PM

Just seeing if I can Still Post here.
Shut down my account.


Feb 14 at 03:18 PM


They do that to me also.

I'll try you.

Replied on post was deleted

Feb 14 at 09:17 AM

Michael Christenson

Good Call.Id look in Natural Remedies Like,Reshi,Lions Mane,

Cloves for toothaches.To Build the Immune System.

Do Not Injest Flouride.

It's Pure Poison and will Calcify your Child's (Pineal Gland).

Above all Listen to your Child when they Speak or React to a Situation.

Don't be Authoritative with them.

Be a Friend.

Do Alot of Research.Id Probably Home School Depending on the School Environment and Rules.

This Gender Role thing is Luciferian

Transhumanism A.I. Agenda.Yet,Many people view it as Natural Evolution,it's Not.

Yet, don't Teach them Hatred towards this,it just fuels the Agenda.This Evil feeds off Fear,Negativity and Suffering.And it doesn't care who's in Fear or Suffering.

Feb 14 at 09:03 AM



I Still think Trump is the Replacement Luciferian Transhumanism Power and Control System.Yet,I don't Count Anything out,Hope and Everything.

And if their Really Saving Kids I'm with ya.Im going off this App.

Its to confusing and I couldn't cancel through the App.And some of my Posts aren't getting out there.

You can Friend Request me on Facebook if you'd like, the Profile is,

"Zak Onsrud",with a photo of the (Flower of Life) on it.And a photo of a black woman that made a Famous Quote, you'll get it,I Hope.


Feb 13 at 08:06 PM


@the copy I have doesn't say Anything about Covid?

Feb 13 at 08:00 PM

Close it from your Google Account.

Not the App link.

Feb 13 at 07:58 PM

Been There.Its Horrible.At Peace Now.


Commented on post was deleted

Feb 13 at 07:55 PM

If I we're having anymore children I wouldn't go near a Hospital.

Are you or your Wife Vaccinated for Covid?

Feb 13 at 07:47 PM


I've heard it's a "Vril" thing also?

Also Ritualistic initiations.



Feb 13 at 05:59 PM

If anyone wants to Friend Request me on Facebook my Profile is,
Zak Onsrud.
With the (Flower of Life) as a Profile Photo.