
Been Doing Research for the past 7 or years on what's been going on with Earth and Humanity.Very Disturing.


Feb 12 at 08:25 AM

How do I find People/Profiles to follow on this app?



Feb 12 at 08:25 AM

How do I find People/Profiles to follow on this app?


Feb 11 at 04:04 PM

Hawk,I think.

Feb 11 at 03:59 PM

No Idea.

Yet,in the Research I've done during the past 7 or 8 years I Figured Out that the Soul enters the Body after the completion of the Eyes and Pineal Gland in the 7th and 8th weeks.

All I know about Source Here is it's a Collective Contiousness of Omnipresence.We're All Fragmented Portions of that Source Being the Soul.

I Also Learned through a Syncronisity with a girl that the Egg Choses the Sperm to let in.Its not the Fastest or Strongest.

Then there's the Artificial Soul Matrix and how the Evil that currently has Humanity Enslaved can pinpoint Reincarnations and has this Solar System Enslaved through Saturn Worship.So they also have partial Control of the Zodiac through that and the Moon.

I know mostly the Bad information Here.Been Connecting the Dots and following the Syncronisity.

Source is Absolute and Unconditional Love,from what I've Read and Heard.There just Certain Vibrational Frequencies that Naturally Repel Each Other.



Feb 11 at 09:41 AM

This is a Form of Germatria.A Cypher for Most of the World Languages.
The Human Body is a (Carbon 12) Based Life Form Consisting of,
1.(6 Protons)+
2.(6 Neutrons)+
3.(6 Electrons)=(18/1+8)=(9Soul)=
The Number (666) isn't really an Evil Number.They just want Humanity to Hate Themselves.See how the Number (618) Comes Together in the 3rd Sequence?As in the (Golden Ratio=1.618)=Is a Universal Symbol Representing Life.
The Reason the Catholic Church numbered the Beast (666) is Because their Turning Humanity into the Beast.The Covid-19 Virus was a Trojan Horse Hit to get the vaccine into Humanity.The Technical Term is
{Evolutionary Digression} Through
(={Generational Mutation}>--
The Vaccine is going to Interact with the {5G Internet Signal}=Has to be Shut Down.And Get off the Flouride so the
(Pineal Gland Activation) can Begin.Then the (DNA Activation) will Begin and Fix the Mutation.
It's all Designed to Accommodate the Human Body to Artificial Intelligence.
Chem Trails are also a part of this.Theres Alot More to this Subject.Yet,I don't think you'll believe it?
I call it,"The Unbelievable Truth."



Feb 10 at 04:40 PM

This is Cool.Pluto has a (Heart) on its Surface Also.


Feb 10 at 04:36 PM

I Thought this was Pretty Awesome.



Feb 10 at 04:34 PM

I'm on Her Side.



Feb 10 at 04:31 PM

The English Language along with Many Other World Languages can be De-Cyphered Through Germatria.Nikola Tesla Figured it out.


Feb 10 at 04:29 PM

They found a 1.8 Million Year Old Nuclear Reactor in Africa.See the Maze inside of it?Similar to the Electronic Maze?Then Teotiehocan in South America is almost Identical to the Layout of the Vatican Square.Theyve Been working on this Luciferian Transhumanism A.I. Agenda for a Long Time.Insectoid Species are Created through Evolutionary Digression through Generational Mutation.The De-Construction of the Source Genome is an Actual Evolutionary Process.I think the Adam and Eve Story was a fix for an Evolution Problem.