Daddy Dragon

Diann Bottorff actually I am speaking of the transition of the Earth.

And no, all my knowledge comes from meditation and “those” that I work with.


Mar 18 at 11:40 AM

Akhi bet

Diann Bottorff ahh, but you still have to go through hell to get to heaven. There is no rapture, there is no separate group that ascends before anyone else. Sorry, that just won’t happen. But I can tell u that those who do ascend will have a long road to recovery and a very hard life to rebuild. But… God will be integral to the human race at that time.

And just to answer your question, I have been rapping and making music, mixing and mastering since 13 years old.


Mar 18 at 11:34 AM

Akhi got it

Diann Bottorff no, no fear monger here. Just the truth, look around you, pull back and really see. It’s coming and I’m trying to spread awareness. But you go ahead and stay comfortably numb. Thanks for your opinion, but I think I’ll keep doing me and not be a pawn of psychos and evil people.

Mar 18 at 11:27 AM

Akhi I’m here rn

Diann Bottorff and that’s why you my friend are one of the sheep. And that’s very sad.


dEb I tried to be nice.

Your rhymes are trash. ABC flow. Trust me when it comes to hiphop and word play, you are at elementary level. So please just stop. None of this is a game and nor is it funny.

Mar 18 at 10:59 AM