Daddy Dragon

Keith Miller and I think you are one of the sheep prime for the slaughter. You have no idea what’s going on and you have no idea the shit I’ve been or am going through. Like how yesterday I was tailed by 3 blacked out suvs with gov plates. But I need to detox (which by the way dipshit I don’t do drugs) you need to open your eyes. I thought this was a platform of enlightened people? My bad for telling the truth.


Mar 03 at 07:23 AM

I know things are bad there and I am so sorry. It is not humane and the atrocities that are committed by Justin Tredu (however you spell it) he is a psychopath and a murderer. He along with so many others. The truth is…. Its going to get much worse. It is time to prepare and begin seeking the Devine. Just look around it is no coincidence that all these billionaires are building bunkers. It’s about time we all get one.



Mar 03 at 12:20 AM

I have a feeling that the truth is coming out real soon….. stay tuned.


Mar 03 at 12:07 AM

Simple. He was a plant by the elite to destroy America and make it weaker. I have more info


Mar 02 at 01:51 AM

♥︎999♥︎ one of the court documents


Mar 01 at 06:11 PM

Check your comments

Mar 01 at 04:22 PM

Maybe you can help me. I know so much that all my phones are tapped, all my movements watched. I even had to make a grimy deal with these people to not interfere as long as they don’t interfere in my training. I have reached out to UNIFYD and TLS of course I don’t have a direct line to them. But I know so much that it is not funny, what’s coming is scary. I am trying to help humanity but no one will listen. Maybe you can help ♥︎999♥︎

Feb 28 at 11:50 PM



Feb 28 at 08:02 PM

Hello, my name is “Edward Hollow” I am introducing myself because I have been a student of the Esoteric Arts for 15 years. I can corroborate that what “Ray” has said is true. I myself do remote viewing, but as others call it Astral Projection. I ha ve seen many things and spoken to many entities. The highest being the Creator. He has shown me so many things throughout my journey, I have been through hell and back quite literally. When I saw “Ray” for the first time I told my teacher that these were the guys I could not see in the shadows! He responded with you do not need to concern yourself with the TLS. And yet, The Creator said otherwise. I have tried reaching out to Jason via email. So far no response. I am stating this because my family and I are in danger and our every move is being watched, but if you are like me and you want to know why, why is all of this happpening to humanity? The answer is simple: The elites have found out that the end of the world is coming and they desperately trying to do anything to stop it, the fools, nothing can stop Gods plan, not even they are that powerful. Don’t believe me, here is a video from 1973 where a computer tells everyone that the end of the world is in 2040. My mission is two fold , help humanity as best as I can and keep my family safe. So again, I am reaching out to the TLS and UNIFYD TV please help us. Together perhaps we can stop what’s coming or save as many as we can. I am not one of the psychopaths, I am a true child of light. Thank you.