Patrice Davis

Sugar beets are mostly genetically modified items so feeding them to cows seems horrible. Also, fermented corn should not be pickled with vinegar but salted to ferment. Corn is not meant for cows in any form, cows should eat grass only. This will never age well.

Same, its so very distracting.

May 05 at 11:32 PM

So, she was targeted through the behaviors of her father; astoundingly sad world we live in and we are so deep in this human trafficking shit whole that clawing our way out seems impossible. Very very sad.

Apr 20 at 01:34 PM

Anyone in his position should say it often so if they are found dead, it was murder, not suicide.

Apr 20 at 01:29 PM

Andrew Tate is a black man, why is this so shocking?

Apr 08 at 11:26 PM

You were very lucky🤍🤍🤍

Apr 07 at 05:52 AM

THIS IS A REAL MAN!!!! I don’t know Any Man as smart, confident and knows who tf he is, what he wants and what he will not accept!

…and he’s not trying to be a greedy politician.

LADY’S, take notes!!!!! Just wow.


Apr 07 at 04:38 AM

Wait, there are people getting “love-scammed” and young children being actually trafficked and the American government is going after TIKTOK girls? This should be a federal offense and they should all lose their jobs. The government must be rearranged. Enough is enough!!!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if holidays were just pieces in the puzzle to keep people at arms length of their extended families, just enough to not feel badly about being so stressed to get those taxes paid. Please name ONE PRESIDENT that arranged as many policies so people could actually go into business without an education? I’ll wait..

People just don’t like Trumps way of expressing himself but this has been him from day one when we all loved The Apprentice…people will just jump on the big media bandwagon because they are to tired to read and research the shenanigans for their own opinion!

If the family and friend circle is small then how can folks really find solutions to the problems of America? And this energy and water scam to make us even more enslaved to the “American dream” is outright crazy.

Also, people who come here and say they don’t see racism is such a problem does not make it true. And if its not your concern then how the f would a person even recognize it. This is just wrong…I might as well be watching YOUTUBE because the people here conducting these “interviews” without provoking a new way of seeing things is just stupid.

Lastly, the older man who’s opinion of Donald Trump are exactly the type of people you DON’T want to ask questions like this…they just allow all the other dumdums to believe the same exact shit…which is NOTHING AT ALL!!!!! And I paid to hear his sencless sentiment, ugh!!!!! You two have to do better or find your third eye, I mean a third person who will be more aggressive in this approach. Truth matters!!!!