Patrice Davis

The racial divide in America is two-fold. On one hand there must be awareness because people in power such as corrupt police officers are disregarding human rights. On the other hand how can big media keep racism alive and well without reinforcing racism for the common and average racist.

I hate to say this but poor white people must feel validated some way, any way to keep them poor and complaining about successful minorities. It’s all a mind fuck to keep people obedient to the idea of scarcity and to keep the “good white folks” in line to pay their fair of taxes. Racism is a huge pyramid scheme designed to get those tax dollars.

And by the way, we are not meant to work as hard as people do. We have become such a disconnected society that its literally okay to not speak to family that a person grew up with…what a waste of time and relationships. People get married and all of a sudden they only have time for their spouse or children except for holidays which is perplexing.

Apr 05 at 09:35 AM

Wellness centers should not cost a thing…there should be enough resources available for all who want a better world - its sort of sick to get rich off of healing hurt people. 🙄🤨🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Apr 05 at 09:30 AM

Hurting children as a hurt child and working through it and healing and growing into a good person/adult is one thing but grown ass people sex trafficking BABIES AND CHILDREN for money is entirely another thing.

The only good thing about prison in this instance is they get dealt with, I guess…this hurts my soul.

Apr 05 at 09:06 AM

I am literally getting a headache from watching this, my goodness, this is really tough to watch.

Apr 05 at 09:04 AM

Girl, when you smile, I get so pissed off…this is definitely Not the type of interview to be smiling about a WHOLE DAMN WOMAN pimping out CHILDREN!!!! What the heck are you smiling about???? Nothing in this interview is cute or funny. 😤😤🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Sharon M. Google isn’t the truth? LOL…if Anyone thinks google is the truth, then we really REALLY have problems.


We actually DON’T KNOW what the hell the government did back when Hitler was in power. All we know is whet history teaches, written by people who controlled the narrative of what they wanted the future of mankind to believe. The president of Russia isn’t a modern day Hitler? The president of Israel isn’t a modern day Hitler? And all the other folks fighting wars as we speak to GAIN POWER…let me tell ya’ll something, if you’re going to bring awareness, don’t do it off the cuff because you two look crazy arguing about something YOU JUST DON’T KNOW!!!!!

Women need to stick TOGETHER and work out the differences on your own and certainly not in front of us, looking crazy as hell. This is why women aren’t trusted and voted into power; you can’t be this damn emotional in front of the world. Now, Hug it out, damnit.🥹🤷‍♀️🤨

Government AND RELIGION exist to control the masses…the government could never do it without religion.


Very Interesting, a fraternity of old men, imagine the shenanigans. 🤔

Apr 03 at 08:34 PM

Okay, Jim, what’s next…I’m ready! It’s a travesty we are paying for energy that is meant for all, FREE…I’m livid to learn all of this. Let’s Do something but what and how…
