
Mar 26 at 11:29 PM

No you guys are silly. You have to go through Google because it's downloaded via Google. It's completely normal. Putting a comment does not disable your billing lol. Calm down and understand reality


Feb 26 at 02:18 PM

I will have to do more research... and see if I can meet you where you are in the manuscript.

Feb 26 at 12:04 PM

He does say man he says the higher spiritual beings... started off with the 90 10. I was watching it as I was typing it last night literally.

Feb 26 at 12:03 PM

Should be on the sons of God. They shifted frequency not man. It would be impossible for a man to have upgraded frequency by mating. That's unheard of. It doesn't happen. You have to spiritually awaken to upgrade. Period. So as I said the frequency of the sons of God became reduced. The offspring of the sons of God and the women of Earth became the Nephilim or race of Giants. Or whatever you want to call them the label isn't the important thing here. It became diluted nonetheless and they were of a very different breed. Neither human nor son of God they were trapped in contorted bodies. This is why like in the world of Zues and so on. They had these nasty beings that were a really low vibration.

Feb 26 at 11:59 AM

No he never said man was at 90% he said the spiritual beings were at 90% and 10% and they were supposed to come and help man and they failed. Instead mating and giving them the secrets of "God" its all documented in the book of Enoch. Which I highly suggest you read. It explains everything. That's what I'm saying. The original sons of God. They were 90 10. Not humans. Humans were low. The humans stayed low and because the sons of God failed. They also became low. I think you are saying man was 90 10. And that is not true. You have to follow along in each moment. Sometimes Ray talks in circles but you have to follow along in order. Read the book of Enoch. I came upon this information before I watched Ray say the same thing. Maybe just read the book of Enoch. Even the beginning chapters and you will understand better. Like in terms of the Bible. God had sons. Higher spiritual beings. They came down and mated with women and then it disgraced them. Your focus is on man and woman but it

Feb 26 at 01:56 AM

I think you are missing it. Humans were already at a low vibrational frequency. So when the fallen mated with low vibrational being and had offspring (us) it changed the fallen frequency to lower and the offspring remained in a lower frequency because the fallen frequency became denser from mating with the dense vibrational frequency of the human women at the time. So it maths perfectly...