Adrian M

Sydney, Australia

light worker, Uber driver & l photographer, Sydney Australia

Jun 16 at 12:48 AM

Be great to see if TLS know anything relating to how the weather in Australia was normal to a degree , we would have normal winters. Then just this week a news outlet talked about snowy hydro not doing 'cloud seeding' anymore. those who don't know the whole of Australia has been an icebox this week. Normally we have the lower parts of the continent colder than the top. Where I am about 2 hrs north of Sydney has been extremely cold. And u can see all the lines in the skies and then we have days of cold, grey sky cover and then constant rain. ?? Does TLS have any info regarding all the cloud seeding Opetations happening ? I was amazed to hear about Dubai when they had floods a few months ago. It really has been a terrible start to the year.


Jun 01 at 09:10 AM

So who can remember one of the first times they heard a message directly into their mind/head. What was it you heard? Comment below
I have had many messages over the years but the first was "the mind is a powerful thing ". It scared me because at the time I was going through a loss of job and was in a bit of depression. However it was this clear message that gave me some insight into starting what wasn't spiritual journey. As a child I used to astral travel a lot and after finding out what exactly that was it made me begin to wonder about what exactly I was meant for here on earth. Flying around in my dreams was always fun and exciting. Then it stopped as I got older. If anyone knows of what I should be doing to tap into this e spect of myself feel free to share.

Thank you for the Unifyd community and the positive work Jason has done for humanity.


Apr 17 at 11:51 AM

Me toooo! I have wanted one and now a friend just bought one thru Temu, I'm so tempted to jump in and buy one.

Apr 17 at 11:49 AM

Thank you. That was beautiful. Do you have an ig account?


Apr 02 at 10:34 PM

Colour of the universe
By ©️Adrian McHarg