
Aagtekerke, Netherlands

Jun 29 at 03:10 PM

@Dani I totally understand you. We human beings are stuck in a system that's set up by the evil doers because they want to benefit from humanity.

We need a new system that eliminates this slave system. This system has caused trauma, pain to humanity. It expresses itself in depression, suicides, burned outs,etc.

Stepping out of the matrix is what we need to do. And there are ways to be and make the diffrence🧚

Jun 28 at 08:02 AM

VANDORN HINNANT after reading it a few times it did hit to the core of my being. Indeed I AM the one I have been waiting for.🧚Thank you this is so valuable!

Jun 28 at 07:57 AM

P.I.M [riddle stick ron] pass the dutchee on 😁🌬 That's a good question. Everything is unraveling. Sometimes with a high amount of speed and sometimes slow. Politics , Hollywood etc. Earth is cleaning itself up and making space for the new . It seems things has gotten worse it has immensely affected humanity. It expresses itself through mental illnesses such as ,trauma's , depression, burnouts etc. 

It shows that it is obviously time for us to heal from this intoxicated  system . This is the time where we (the lightworkers,starseeds, empaths , highly sensitive etc)   take our  stand and stay rooted in our power—having the power of making the shift go faster by being United and stand for love , compassion , understanding and unity.😍

Maybe an  idea that the UnifydTV community members do guided Worldwide live guided  meditations 

Jun 27 at 02:49 AM

As a little child I had a difficult time that people held history as truth. In my mind at the time I thought how can you write something down while see our own truth different? What makes your truth true? Because to me certain things didn't match up how it made me feel . And now I'm an adult it still doesn't. I'm so happy for this community it start to feel like home. So much understanding, love and together. It brings peace to the heart

Jun 25 at 05:18 PM

Jada Carter 🥰 this is one of them see?

Commented on Bashar..

Jun 25 at 05:15 PM

Jada Carter when you type " Bashar " on search here you also get Bashar. 🥰

Commented on 💫

Jun 25 at 04:46 PM

Jada Carter that are naturally toxins produced by mold/ fungus

Commented on The Time Is Now

Jun 23 at 01:52 PM

People are so used to the term "vaccine " so they use it even when it resemblance a vaccine while it is actually a gen therapy.

During the pandemic there where independent German doctors doing researches on the so-called vaccine and they showed you during their research that micro bacteria independently was moving around. When injected in the patient this bacteria would attack a weak spot in the person's body and keep on attacking till the disease seems to be uncureable eventually the person would die off it.

Replied on 💫You are enough

Jun 23 at 12:42 PM


Jennifer Barnett-Johnson looked it up for you. Temu has it. Also in other colors available

Jun 20 at 04:12 PM

Very clear and well explained. Thank you so much 💓
