
Rugby, United Kingdom

i scribe the description

Mar 26 at 09:30 PM

Nichole Betts Nichole Betts i learned in 7 months and yea it hits u like the brick tonne u speak of and flips 180,but if u are solid then you'll be fine😁 shiny head👊😁👊💜

Mar 25 at 07:07 PM

dEb any appologies is made now from me

if none required then cool

no real friends no real enemies

for me anyway no matter what 👊😁

I'm a friend 1st xx

Mar 25 at 07:03 PM

u piring vamps bruv lol


Mar 25 at 07:02 PM

♥︎999♥︎ i do and am a normal speecher speaking lol U get me 😁👊

Mar 25 at 07:00 PM

♥︎999♥︎ bro I'm smiling that your happy and smiling from me👊😁💜

Mar 25 at 05:19 PM

♥︎999♥︎ bro yes I could speak down the phone just as I'd write it no difference but I know when to if I did and not lol

Mar 25 at 04:55 AM

♥︎999♥︎ likkle 666


Mar 25 at 04:54 AM

♥︎999♥︎ itz no problem me broski

take a sip of that problem potion

an spread it like a lotion of emotion

all over the seen weatha ya green

Or not,ya scrott rott 🤣🤣😁👊



Mar 25 at 04:48 AM

dEb owwwuuuuuuLLLLL😁🤣

Mar 25 at 04:48 AM

EL OW EL 😁🤣👊